
Top 5 Original and Effective Ways to Overcome Insomnia

Almost every third person in the world knows what insomnia is. But sleep is one of the most important processes in the body, influencing the resistance to stress.

What Is Insomnia

Quality sleep is called when upon awakening you feel rested and alert enough for the whole day. Speaking about adequate sleep, we mean that on average an adult requires 7-9 hours (individual needs vary between 4-12 hours) of rest (possible 2-3 awakenings followed by a quick return to sleep).

Insomnia is a multifaceted condition. One patient wakes up at 4 am and cannot fall asleep again, another patient wakes up 20 times during the night and has a feeling in the morning that there was no sleep at all, a third will take a very long time to fall asleep trying to let go of anxious thoughts, and a fourth will snore heavily and feel broken all day.

All of these people will complain of poor sleep. But the reasons, examinations, and approaches to therapy will be different for each of them.

There are more than 100 causes of sleep disorders. A sleep doctor can help determine what is wrong with your case. But most often, a person does not sleep well due to the following reasons:

  • Anxiety and depressive disorders.
  • Thyroid disorders.
  • Chronic pain.
  • Snoring and sleep apnea.

Prolonged insomnia leads to a decrease in performance, impaired attention and memory, irritability, and again to a worsening of mood.

As a consequence, there is a decrease in resistance to stress and strain, loss of joy and pleasure in life.

How to Fix Your Sleep

If you have “lost” your sleep, there are general recommendations:

  • Follow a schedule and eliminate social jetlag (bedtime and wake-up time should be the same).
  • Provide in the bedroom blackout (fabric used for light insulation).
  • provide silence.
  • Give yourself an informational detox 1.5 hours before bedtime. Even if you receive a generous Casino bonus and free spins bonus offer 30 minutes before going to bed, forget about it till morning.
  • Do light therapy in the morning.

Without these clear and simple rules, it is unlikely to get back to sleep.

There are several other ways in which you can get your sleep back.

Change Your Mattress

As well as the pillow, blanket, and bedding. Bedding should be paid attention to people prone to allergies, those who have chronic pain, as well as those who snore heavily at night.

There are different types of mattresses. Each has its own lifespan and individual properties. Special wedge-shaped pillows are sold in stores.

Give up Alcohol for 3 Months

Alcohol affects neurons. At first it causes relaxation, but after a few hours neurons are activated and the brain can wake you up. It is no coincidence that regular drinkers have nighttime awakenings.

Quitting alcohol is a super way to normalize neurotransmitter metabolism and brain cell arousal.

Reduce Weight

People who are overweight have more problems with sleep – snoring and decreased oxygen supply to the body (hypoxia), frequent awakening, lethargy and sleepiness in the morning. Normalize your weight and the quality of your sleep will be much better.

Get a Course of Therapy for Insomnia

If you wake up several times a night because of stress and look at your watch, you run the risk of waking up at the same time constantly (the brain will remember the moment of awakening and may, after eliminating the cause of stress, continue to habitually wake you up at the “cherished” hour).

Learn to Switch the Brain With Neuro Training

Modern neurotechnology allows you to teach your brain to reduce anxiety, let go of negative thoughts and relax. Neuro training is a type of biofeedback training.

Your brain rhythms, and therefore everything you feel and think, can be learned to control.

Doing a training program, for example, to reduce anxiety, you will see a brighter picture on the screen and feel a stronger vibration from the tactile sensor, and the neurotrainer will tell you how to remember this state and use it before going to sleep.