Destructive Jealousy

How To Deal With Destructive Jealousy?

When jealousy starts to become destructive, it’s important to take some steps to deal with Destructive Jealousy. This can be difficult when your emotions are running high, but it’s necessary if you want to maintain your sanity and your relationship. 

What Is Destructive Jealousy & Where It Comes From? 

Jealousy is a feeling of insecurity or fear that someone you are close to might be attracted to or interested in someone else. This can be triggered by something as minor as your partner mentioning another person’s name, or it can be a constant worry that they’re always thinking about someone else.

Jealousy often comes from a place of insecurity and a fear of being abandoned. It can be difficult to deal with these feelings, but it’s important to understand where they’re coming from. 

Types Of Jealousy: 

There are three types of jealousy: 

  1. Erotic jealousy: This is the most common type of jealousy and is triggered by a fear of being replaced or not being good enough for your partner. It’s usually fueled by insecurity and a lack of trust.(My boyfriend looks at other women). 
  1. Romantic jealousy: This type of jealousy is triggered when you feel like your partner is paying more attention to someone else than they are to you. It can be caused by a fear of abandonment or insecurity. (My boyfriend talks to his coworker a lot).
  1. Protective jealousy: This type of jealousy is triggered when you feel like you need to protect your partner from someone or something. It’s usually caused by a fear of loss or betrayal. (My boyfriend puts his child before me).

Steps To Overcome Jealousy 

If jealousy starts to become destructive, it’s important to take some steps to deal with it. 

  1. Understand where your jealousy is coming from.

Jealousy can stem from a variety of different places. It might be stemming from insecurity, fear of abandonment, or even feeling like you’re not good enough for your partner. When you can identify the root of your jealousy, it will be easier to address it.

  1. Talk to your partner about your feelings.

Your partner can’t read your mind, and they might not even be aware that you’re feeling jealous. Talking to them openly and honestly about your feelings can help them understand where you’re coming from. It can also help to start building more trust in your relationship. 

  1. Make time for yourself.

In order to deal with your jealousy, you need to take some time for yourself. This might mean taking a yoga class, reading a book, or going for a walk. Taking some time for yourself will help you relax and de-stress. 

  1. Ask yourself why you’re jealous.

When you’re feeling jealous, it can be helpful to ask yourself why. Are you worried that your partner is going to leave you? Are you afraid of not being good enough for them? Trying to understand the root of your jealousy can help you deal with it more effectively. 

  1. Don’t compare yourself to others.

Comparing yourself to other people is never a good idea. It can make you feel like you’re not good enough and that’s definitely not helpful when you’re trying to deal with jealousy. 

What To Do With Partner’s Jealousy? 

The best way to deal with somebody else’s jealousy is to understand where it’s coming from. If your partner is feeling insecure, try to be reassuring and understanding. Let them know that you love them and that you’re not going anywhere. If your partner is jealous of something you’re doing, try to explain calmly what’s going on. Avoid getting defensive, and be prepared to listen to their concerns.

No matter what the cause of the jealousy, it’s important to remember that you can’t change your partner. The only thing you can do is try to understand them and support them as best you can. Jealousy is often a sign that somebody is feeling insecure, so try to be patient and understanding. If your partner is jealous of something you’re doing, try to explain calmly what’s going on. Avoid getting defensive, and be prepared to listen to their concerns. 

Both of you should also make an effort to spend time together, without any distractions. 

This will help remind both of you why you’re in a relationship in the first place. If your partner is always jealous of other people, try to get them to talk about why. What are they afraid of losing? What makes them feel insecure? Once you understand the root of the problem, you can start to address it.


Jealousy can be a sign that your relationship is in trouble. But with patience and understanding, it can be overcome. If you’re struggling to deal with your partner’s jealousy, or if it’s causing problems in your relationship, seek professional help.

In the meantime, focus on building up your own self-confidence. Don’t let your partner’s jealousy knock you down. Be proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished. Remember, you’re worth fighting for!