I found these Haribo Jogi-Bussi in Europe. There’s also a Fruity-Bussi version that I’ll review on Wednesday. They’re yogurt gummies with a foam bottom and some sort of goo in the center.

There were four fruits pictured on the wrapper – strawberry, apple, peach, and pear – but I only had two colors of gummi – pink and yellow. I think perhaps the gummi and goo sections were supposed to have separate flavors?

Pink’s gummi portion was on the stiff and chewy side and tasted generically sweet and red. I think it was supposed to be strawberry? The yogurt center had an herbal, grassy tinge to it. I wasn’t able to place the flavor, as it didn’t taste fruit-like to me at all.

I was not a fan of the foam bottom. The squishy styrofoamy texture weirded me out and was totally unpleasant.

Yellow had a rounder, more mellow flavor. It tasted lightly of citrus with some floral notes. I think it was supposed to be peach. The yogurt center was similarly incomprehensible with that herbal tinge.

These centers weren’t oozy enough, and I thought the yogurt centers tasted weird. I also really disliked the texture of the foam bottoms. An O.

Nestle/Wonka did a much better version of the gummi/foam/ooze combination with their Squishy Sploshberries. Also, not to give too much away, but the Fruity-Bussi were better too.

By Rosa