Sex games are a surefire way of getting your groove on sexually. Whether it’s a sex-themed card game, a board game created specifically for that purpose, or just regular games that you put an adult twist on with your partner, sex games can be a fun and intimate way to enjoy sex or get more intimate with your partner. Many people erroneously assume that sex games are a waste of time that could be spent having sex, but the fact is, sex games can make your sexual experiences a lot better. This is especially true if you are getting to know your sexual partner or engaging in virtual sex with a cam girl. This post will explore why you should play sex games and some raunchy and exciting games you can play. 

Why You Should Play Sex Games with Your Cam Girl and Sexual Partner

  • Foreplay 

Sex without foreplay is not just boring but can also be very physically painful and mentally tasking. The importance of foreplay during sex cannot be overemphasised. Thankfully, foreplay can take different forms depending on the individual preferences of the parties involved. Sex games can be another exciting way to have foreplay with your partner and set the tone for sex. 

  • Date Night Activity 

Date nights are necessary to keep the spark going in any sexual relationship. However, a date can quickly become a nightmare if you and your partner do not have any interesting activities planned out. Sex games give you something to do during dates or Skype calls with your cam girl. 

  • Reveal Stuff About Your Partner 

Sex games allow you to get to know your partner better. Sex games can be revealing, and you stand a chance of getting to know your partner’s innermost fantasies and sexual desires during these games. It can also be a way to communicate boundaries and set the rules for your sexual interactions together. 

  • Break Routine 

Sex with a familiar person can quickly become monotonous. Likewise, sex can quickly lose its appeal for a cam girl with cam users who bring the same old stuff into the chat room. If you want to create memorable sexual experiences with your partner, you can bring in interesting sex games that you will enjoy. 

  • Increase Sex Drive 

For sex to give optimal benefit, you must engage all your senses and imagination. Sex games can be an easy route to engaging your imagination. Sex games help sex to happen in your mind and allow you to be more present in the activity. 

6 Best Sex Games to Play With a Cam Girl

1. Truth or Dare 

This classic game can be brought into the bedroom with a sexy twist. You can easily transform the game by daring your partner to do some edgy and erotic stuff that will put you in a better mood for sex. For example, you can dare your partner to take off their clothes on camera or ask them a question about sex fantasies which they have to answer. 

2. Miss One, Strip One 

This is another simple sex game you can play with a cam girl or a physical partner. To play this game, you must devise a list of naughty questions for your partner. Your cam girl is expected to answer those questions; if she misses any, she is expected to take off a piece of clothing. 

3. Sexopoly 

Sexopoly is an interesting spin-off to the regular monopoly game designed for couples. Like the regular monopoly, every dice roll will move you around the board and use the notes to make transactions, but this time with a sexy twist. You might end up with no clothes on your back!

4. Kamasutra Playing Card 

The Kamasutra playing cards are a deck of cards that feature different sex positions. You can flash a card at your cam girl, have her guess the position, and maybe have a solo performance of the cards. 

5. Hold That Scream 

Another fun game to play with your cam girl is to have a game around teledildonics (electrical sex toys). You or your ca girl can control the device, and the person on the receiving end is not expected to make a sound or signify pleasure. This is a fun way of edging your cam girl on.  

6. Naughty Puzzle 

There are different sex puzzles out there that you can play with your partner. You and your cam girl can agree on a puzzle and try to solve it in record time. Whichever way you choose to go about it is the fun way. 


By Varsha