benefits of cauliflower

Benefits of Cauliflower, Tasty Recipes, and Side Effects

When you talk about cauliflower, the word’ powerhouse’ compliments it the best. It is a cruciferous vegetable that has made its way to almost all types of cuisines for the enormous nutritional value. You can find cauliflower practically everywhere, from pizza crusts to rice to muffins and so much more. It is low in carbs and can be a great inclusion if you think about losing weight or facing other health problems. Apart from giving you a clear concept of the cauliflower benefits and side effects, we’ve also got two delicious recipes to try. So, let’s quickly see all the benefits of cauliflower and how wonderfully it justifies the term ‘powerhouse.’ Keep reading, and you’ll surely be in amaze!

Health Benefits of Cauliflower 

Since cauliflower has lots of nutrients, it is evident that it will provide you with loads of health benefits. Here, we are going to focus on that. Below you will find the numerous health benefits of cauliflower and how wonderfully it works in your body.

Combats Against Cancer

Apart from many other nutrients that cauliflower contains, sulforaphane does the primary wonder against cancer cells. You’ll find this compound to kill the cancer cells and gradually diminish the growth of the tumor. Moreover, it can also prevent the chances of prostate cancer.

Cauliflower is a good source of isothiocyanates and indoles both these compounds are significant to stop several cancers like liver, lung, breast, colon, and bladder. However, vitamins like K E, C, and carotenoids in cauliflower can also be an added reason to fight off different cancer cells.

Improves Heart Health

Cauliflower is a highly fibrous ingredient and is excellent to keep your heart healthy. Again, the wonderful compound sulforaphane present in cauliflower supports your blood pressure in control, contributing to maintaining a healthy heart. The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in cauliflower is excellent to prevent cardiovascular problems and even harmful cholesterol levels.

Improves Brain Functioning

Choline is highly present in cauliflower. This is a spectacular nutrient that keeps your brain cells in good health. It also contributes immensely to body development.

Studies conducted on animals during their pregnancy showed an immense effect on the youngling’s cognitive development after given choline. It supercharged the brain in the little ones after choline consumption. Thus, choline proves to be a great as a cognitive booster.

You’ll also find cauliflower to show tremendous results in people having memory decline that occurs with age. And also helps people having Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin K is significantly present in cauliflower, which helps people with psychomotor behavioral patterns immensely.

Controls Inflammation

Cauliflower is rich in multiple antioxidants like quercetin, beta-cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene, cinnamic acid, and quercetin. All these antioxidants work in your body to curb oxidative stress, further fighting off inflammation.

Another very important compound in cauliflower is indole-3-carbinol. This helps in fighting inflammation at the genetic level. Moreover, the presence of omega3 fatty acids in the veggie contributes to this benefit as well.

Helps in Weight Loss

You already know that cauliflower is very rich in folate and vitamin C. Both these nutrients contribute to weight loss. Moreover, researchers have shown the immense effect of vitamin C on burning off fat by conducting physical activities.

Since cauliflower is extremely low in carbs, you can add this to your daily diet easily. If you’re thinking about bloating, then you don’t need to worry because this veggie is highly fibrous. More so, fiber promotes satiety, which helps increases weight loss. And finally, the presence of omega 3 fatty acids instigates the leptin secretion. If you’re thinking about how leptin helps you, it increases your metabolism immensely, contributing to losing weight.

benefits of cauliflower

Detoxifies the Body 

If you want to detoxify your body, start having cauliflower today. The immense presence of antioxidants in cauliflower help in Phase 1 detoxification. Are you wondering what happens in Phase 1? In this phase, the toxins are broken into smaller parts by hydrolysis. Once this process is over, you can also try out the Phase 2 with cauliflower. Since it contains sulfur compounds, Phase 2 is also easy to achieve. The presence of glucosinolates in this veggie activates the other detoxifying enzymes as well.

Improves Bone Health 

If you consume a meager amount of vitamin K, then it’s evident that you’ll end up increasing the chances of osteoporosis. And also, a deficiency makes the bones weak that leads to fractures. But you can quickly curb the possibilities of these by having cauliflower. The veggie is rich in vitamin K and calcium, which will improve your bone health. Moreover, vitamin K intake boosts calcium absorption and prevents you from urinating off the calcium from your body. All these contribute to keeping your bones healthy and strong.

Enhances Digestive Health

Since cauliflower is highly fibrous, it can contribute immensely to keep your digestive system healthy. It will help if you consume adequate amounts of fiber to stay away from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), diverticulitis, and constipation. Moreover, sulforaphane’s presence protects the stomach wall linings and prevents any bacteria from growing on the stomach lining.

Also, having a high content of sulfur compounds enhances the nutrient absorption in the stomach. This helps in removing waste efficiently from your body that improves digestive health immensely. Cauliflower has a huge water-content that can reduce the chances of constipation. Further, smoothening the entire digestive process completely.

Improves Kidney Health 

You can easily remove the toxins from your kidney by consuming cauliflower. It contains a fair amount of phytochemicals that treat kidney. Moreover, being extremely low in potassium and rich in vitamin C, cauliflower is best for kidney diseases. It would also help if you remembered that putting on weight can be one reason that contributes to kidney problems. That is because gaining weight stresses both the kidneys, further damaging it. Finally, you can benefit the bladder by consuming cauliflower. However, there are contradictory opinions in the case of kidney stones and many more kidney ailments too. So, remember to keep your doctor consulted when thinking of adding cauliflower to your daily diet to treat kidney problems.

Improves Eye Health 

You must know that cauliflower is an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C. Both these nutrients help in keeping your eyes healthy by reducing macular degeneration. Also, the sulforaphane content in cauliflower contributes to keeping the retina healthy by curbing oxidative damage and stress. Finally, you can also prevent cataract problems by consuming cauliflower.

Keeps Skin Healthy 

Cauliflower benefits for skin are immense. The vitamin C present in it enhances the production of collagen. And further delays the period fine lines or wrinkles are formed. Moreover, the presence of many other antioxidants in cauliflower removes dark spots too. Thus, you can get improved and spotless skin by having cauliflower.

Improves Hair Health 

The hair benefits of cauliflower are also because of the vitamin C and antioxidants present in it. Both these nutrients contribute to keeping your follicles healthy and improves hair health.

benefits of cauliflower

Disadvantages of Cauliflower

As we finish the list of cauliflower benefits, we thought of also keeping you aware of a few side effects it might cause. Once you know well both the cauliflower benefits and side effects, you’ll add cauliflower to your diet appropriately.

So, let us check out some disadvantages’ cauliflower possesses. Here are the following:

Trouble Absorbing Iodine

Several cruciferous vegetables, including cauliflower, is a source of cyanogenic glucosides. These are sugar-like molecules that don’t allow the absorption of iodine. So, if you consume too much cauliflower, be sure to have hypothyroidism. In this case, the body cannot produce the right amount of hormone that can further make you have problems related to metabolism.

Gas Problems

Consuming too much cauliflower can lead to gastrointestinal problems. That is because of the complex compounds in cauliflower are challenging to break down. Further, the bacteria in the intestine absorbs these complex compounds and releases hydrogen dioxide and carbon gas.

Clots Blood

If you are already on blood-thinning medicines like coumadin or other drugs, you might have cauliflower problems. This is because of the vitamin K content present in cauliflower that can lead to blood clotting.

Problems for infants

Although there aren’t enough reasons to avoid cauliflower when you’re pregnant. But it is best to avoid while you are breastfeeding the newborn. Since it causes gas, the baby might not be able to digest the complex carbs of cauliflower. So, the benefits of cauliflower for babies that are newly born aren’t that effective.

Easy Cauliflower Recipes to Try

You know all the health benefits of cauliflower and its side effects too. So, you can very well include them in your diet wisely. Below are two super easy and delicious recipes you must try at home. They taste yummy and will reap you the maximum of its benefits.

So, let’s quickly check out what the easy cauliflower recipes are:

Creamy Cauliflower Risotto

It would help if you tried out this yummy recipe using these easy ingredients at home. Follow the method meticulously, and do let us know how you like it!

Ingredients You Need

  • Half of an onion. Chop it finely
  • Ghee or Homemade Butter 1/4 of a cup
  • Garlic one entire clove. Mince it well
  • One cauliflower. Grate the head using a cheese-grater
  • Fresh mushrooms. One cup sliced
  • Heavy whipping cream half a cup
  • Salt 1/2 teaspoon
  • Parmesan cheese 1 cup. Grate it well
  • Black ground pepper 1/4 teaspoon
  • Ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon
  • Chicken broth. 1/4th cup

Process to Make 

  1. First, take a pan and place it on medium heat or flame. Then add the homemade butter or ghee. Allow it to melt. Toss in the chopped garlic and onion. Remember not to burn the garlic or else it will lose its aroma. Use a spatula and fry it until soft for about 3 minutes.
  2. Then toss in the mushroom and let it cook for another 3 minutes. Make sure the mushrooms are soft but not overcooked. If you find mushrooms to leave out some water, keep tossing it until it gradually comes to oil. To ensure both these, you need to cook it on low heat.
  3. Now you need to add the grated cauliflower and add a little bit of chicken broth. Let it come to boil.
  4. Then add the heavy whipping cream, salt, parmesan cheese, net meg, and pepper. Allow it to cook for 7-8 minutes until the texture turns nice and creamy.
  5. Serve this thick creamy cauliflower risotto with spaghetti or cauliflower rice.

Cauliflower Muffins

Try this lovely muffin as a snack as it is low in carbs yet very filling too. Here are the things that you need to make cauliflower muffins.

Ingredients You Need

  • Cauliflower florets 5 cups
  • Cheddar cheese shredded 1 cup
  • Egg one large. Beaten slightly.
  • Salt 1/8 teaspoon

Process to Make

  1. First, you need to preheat your oven at 425°F. Then place parchment paper on the baking sheet.
  2. Then use a food processor or blender to grate the cauliflower florets finely. Put it into a bowl that is microwave-safe and heat it for around 3 minutes. Then place let it cool down for a while. After that, place it on the towel and allow the water to absorb into the towel.
  3. Now, remove the cauliflower from the towel and transfer it to a bowl. Then add the egg, salt, and cheese. Combine thoroughly. Use the muffin cutters to place it on the baking sheet. Use a spoon to pour in the mixture. But remember to keep a gap of 1 inch between each muffin batter.
  4. Now gently place it into the oven and allow it to bake for about 25 minutes. When you see they are crispy and brown, take it out.
  5. Top it up with your favorite frost or toppings. And enjoy the easy cauliflower muffins at home.

Final Thoughts 

Who doesn’t like a mix of health and taste both? So, try out the recipes above, and that’s how you can get all the benefits of cauliflower. But remember to have in moderate amounts to enjoy its goodness thoroughly!