kitchen backsplash

When installing a kitchen backsplash, there are a few different types of grout you can choose from. How do you know which is best? Here, we’ll compare some of the options you’ll find, and introduce you to some innovative new styles that you may want to try.

Selecting Grout Type

The type of grout you should use largely depends on the gap size between tiles. For more easy installation, shop for a high-quality grout that does not require a sealant thanks to polymers in the mix. You will need to choose between the following types of grout:


It is a decent alternative with a more delicate texture with fine sand powders if you do not want a rough look at your grout. Just use unsanded grout if you have tiny seams (less than 1/8-inch wide). Using unsanded grout with more full seams will cause cracking because it does not have the sanded grout binding strength.

Finely Sanded

This grout choice is suitable for medium-sized joined tiles (between 1/8-inch and 3/8-inch wide). It includes sand, which increases durability and reduces shrinking.

Quarry Type

It is a cement-based grout suitable for grouting treated terracotta tiles, quarry, or slate tiles or if you have more full grout joints (3/8-inch to 1?2-inch wide) between tiles.


Another form is less porous and stain-resistant. It is made of an epoxy resin and a hardener, making it suitable for kitchens where it will be exposed to acids and grease. Epoxy grout dries quickly and is difficult to deal with, which is why you suggest avoiding it.

Powder or Pre-Mixed

Powder grout needs mixing when not pre-mixed. You will need to pour the grout into a bucket with the powder form, add water, and mix it with a trowel until the grout is smooth. The size of the job you are working on will influence your decision where to use it. For more extensive work, most homeowners would prefer powder grout.


You can see options for cement and epoxy grouting, but how do they compare? Epoxy has advantages over cement dependent. It is more durable since it is made of epoxy resins and fillers. This is also more rust- and water-resistant than cement. Epoxy, however, is much more costly than cement-based grout and is challenging to deal with. You also need to ensure you clean your tile properly after using epoxy because it can leave a glossy residue.


Both are cement-based, but for extra durability, one has added sand and minimized shrinkage. It can shrink as the grout dries, which is why sanded grout appears to be the preferred flooring option. You may need to use either sanded or unsanded grout when filling the gaps between your kitchen backsplash tiles.

When you work on a vertical surface like a shower or a kitchen backsplash, you may prefer to use it unsanded. Concerns concerning longevity and shrinkage do not apply here. Vertical tile is not exposed to foot traffic, and typically tiles are very close together. It is much easier to deal with unsanded grout, which is an advantage when grouting on a wall.


Some grouts come with acrylic, pre-mixed. Often homeowners prefer this choice because you do not need to use a sealer. Acrylic is an additive to silicone that provides better adhesion qualities to your grout. This also stabilizes the grout so that it will not be compromised by cold temperatures-definitely a bonus to an outdoor kitchen.

Now that we have discussed all the different types of grout, you may wonder why your grout just blends into the background? Specific it does not have to. With those innovative choices, your grout can be both practical and fashionable.

Designer Colors

Custom kitchens can now take advantage of the full range of grout colors. You will match your grout with the tile used in your kitchen backsplash almost entirely with the designer colors. It provides a much more consistent, streamlined look, with less contrast.

Metallic Grout

The metallic styles of grout are even more appealing and can further enhance your kitchen idea. Such sparkling shades are available in silver, gold, copper, and gleaming versions. They will make your grout stand out against your stunning backsplash tile.

Meta Description: When installing a kitchen backsplash, there are a few different types of grout you can choose from. Here’s how you can know which is the best.

By Sambit