importance of Vitamin C

We know Vitamin C plays a vital role in the healthy development and growth of a baby. Like anything else, there is a proper measurement for the amount of Vitamin C to be taken by a pregnant woman. importance of Vitamin C-

In this post, we will learn about Vitamin C enriched foods and what is the amount they shall be consumed. Make sure to follow it.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and a potent antioxidant essential for pregnant women and everyone. Most famous as an immunity booster and plays a vital role in the development of babies. Besides, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancers.

With all the advantages in mind, you may be wondering about the amount of Vitamin C you should take during pregnancy. If you want to strengthen the immune system during the flu and cold season, this can help you immensely. 

Pregnant women who are 19 years old or older should regularly go for 85 mg of Vitamin C. Your focus should be on incorporating a minimum of three Vitamin C servings of veggies and fruits. 

What are the best Vitamin C enriched foods and what is importance of Vitamin C?

When we hear about Vitamin C, the first thought that appears in our mind is about oranges. And this can be a terrible truth for those who don’t like citrus fruits. You can go beyond this picture; try out the plenty of vegetables and fruits containing this vitamin. You must eat some of them in raw form instead of cooking them.

  • Red bell pepper: 95-milligrams Vitamin C per half cup in raw form
  • Grapefruit juice: 70 milligrams per three fourth cup
  • Kiwi: 64 milligrams per fruit of the medium size
  • Brussels sprouts: 48 milligrams per half-cup in cooked form
  • Broccoli: 50 milligrams per half-cup in cooked form
  • Grapefruit: 39 milligrams per fruit of the medium size
  • Strawberries: 49 milligrams per half cup
  • Green bell pepper: 60 milligrams per half-cup in raw form

Vitamin C aids the body in absorbing iron. So, it is an intelligent choice to opt for food containing iron and Vitamin C. Such food items include red bell paper and chicken or Brussels sprouts with fish.

During pregnancy, if you are not sure whether the amount of Vitamin C you are getting from the direct food sources is enough or not, it’s better to consult with a professional doctor. You can purchase Vitamin C directly from the online store with the prescription drug savings from Canada.

Bottom line

You must take care of your health, especially when you are pregnant. Make sure that the Vitamin C intake is proper. If you face any issues, consult the doctor immediately. Tell him about the symptoms so that he can treat you accordingly. At the same time, make sure that you include foods rich in Vitamin C in your daily diet. If you have any queries, please discuss them with the doctor. He is there to help you out. 

By mindmingles

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