FFPE (Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded) tissue is a widely used preservation technique for biological tissues. It has revolutionized many aspects of research and has proven its usefulness in areas such as oncology and drug development. However, not everyone is aware of what FFPE tissue is and how it can be used. In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about FFPE tissue, its types, and how it can be useful in research.
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What is FFPE Tissue?
FFPE tissue is a technique that uses formalin to fix and paraffin to embed tissue specimens to provide a long-term preservation method for biological tissues. This preservation technique is commonly used in storing samples for molecular analysis, histology, and pathology studies. After the tissue has been preserved, a thin slice can be taken, mounted on a glass slide, and processed for examination under a microscope.
3 Types of FFPE TissueÂ
Generally, three types of FFPE tissue:
- Normal tissue
- Diseased tissue
- Animal tissue
Each of these types of tissue is used for medical research. Normal tissue refers to tissue removed from individuals who do not have any disease or abnormal condition. Diseased tissue refers to tissue from individuals with a particular disease or disorder. Lastly, animal tissue is used for experimental studies.
Use FFPE Tissue for Medical ResearchÂ
FFPE tissue has become an essential tool for medical researchers who use it to develop targeted therapies and diagnoses. Researchers can use this tissue to identify genetic mutations, gene expression changes, and protein analysis in individuals with specific diseases. FFPE tissue allows them to analyze the tissue’s genotypic and phenotypic qualities without the need for fresh samples. In addition, scientists can also use FFPE tissue for studying drug efficacy and toxicity, which can significantly contribute to successful drug discovery.
Where to Buy Normal FFPE Human Tissue for Medical ResearchÂ
If you’re a researcher or laboratory looking for FFPE tissue, biobanks offer normal FFPE human tissue and specialize in providing high-quality samples for research. It is essential to pick a supplier that offers quality human tissue samples stored and handled under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines. By selecting a trusted provider, you are guaranteed access to samples that meet the highest standards of quality maintenance, regulatory compliance, and operational excellence.
Expand Your Medical Research With FFPE Human Tissue
FFPE tissue has played a crucial role in medicine and the research field. It has enabled researchers to analyze samples long after they were taken while still preserving the tissue for long-term storage. Medical facilities and laboratories have found FFPE tissue useful in studying diseases and drug development. If you’re looking to buy FFPE human tissue for your research, choose a supplier that rigorously adheres to regulations to provide you with high-quality samples that will assist in achieving your goals.