Rehab Center

What’s the Average Cost to Attend a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center?

The cost to attend a drug and alcohol rehab center may vary depending on different factors. This is because different factors affect the prices of rehab centers near you which include: treatment types offered, the length of stay, whether the center has an insurance program, an approach? suboxone side effects used in addiction recovery, and the location. Therefore, it is difficult to give an average cost for rehab centers. However, the following guideline will outline some of the expenses that can be expected when attending a Hamilton, NJ, drug and alcohol rehab center.

Let?s discuss the above factors that affect the cost/price of attending a drug and alcohol rehab center near you

  1. Treatment Types Offered

Before going to a drug and alcohol rehab center, it is important to have an understanding of what options are available in terms of treatment types. Different forms can be used in addiction recovery, such as behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, 12-step programs, etc. Therefore, rehabilitation centers will not only vary in their prices but also the treatment offered.

  1. The Length of Stay?

This is another factor that affects the price of attending a drug and alcohol rehab center. Treatment lengths vary depending on the client’s needs, for instance, someone who has been abusing drugs or alcohol for long periods may need to spend more time in rehab centers near me than someone who has only been abusing drugs or alcohol for a few weeks.

  1. Whether the Center has an Insurance Program

If the drug and alcohol rehab center has an insurance program, the cost of attending this drug and alcohol rehab center will be lower. This is because some insurance companies pay for a part or all of the treatment costs for their clients.

  1. Approach Used in Addiction Recovery

Some approaches used in addiction recovery may be more costly than others, for instance, a holistic approach may cost more than an individual approach because the holistic approach is more comprehensive in terms of the treatment. E.g. For a holistic approach, more staff is needed to make the addiction recovery process thorough and sophisticated. Therefore, it is important to know the type of addiction recovery approach offered before attending a rehab center near you.

  1. The Location

Suppose the rehab center near you that you want to attend is located in an expensive city such as New York, Los Angeles, etc. then the costs associated will be high compared to those located in less expensive cities, this is because the cost of living in certain cities is higher than others. New York City for instance is an expensive city to live in compared to Wyoming, so naturally, the costs of rehab centers located in cities like New York City will be higher than those in cities like Wyoming.


Many factors are affecting the cost to attend a drug and alcohol rehab center. So, if one is planning to attend a drug and alcohol rehab center, he/she needs to research the above-listed factors to find out which rehab center near you will be affordable.