I absolutely loved the Milka Joghurt bar when my roommate introduced me to it. Consequently, I snapped up every chocolate and yogurt bar that I could find in Italy, including these two strawberry yogurt bars.

One’s by Ritter Sport, and the other is by Milka, and I thought it would be appropriate to review them together.

The Ritter Sport bar was very soft and pliable. The yogurt was a creamy filling inside the milk chocolate Ritter Bar squares. As with all Ritter Sport bars, each square was stamped with the logo.

I loved the color contrast between the milk chocolate brown and the bright pink strawberry filling, the latter of which was flecked with darker pink bits of freeze-dried strawberry.

The milk chocolate was thick and on the edge of melting in my fingers as I tore the segments apart. And I do mean tore – it was that soft. The milk chocolate was great and tasted of caramel.

The strawberry filling was sweetly floral with an undertone of tanginess from the yogurt and flashes of sweetness every time I came across a bit of the freeze-dried strawberry. Those crunchy bits added bright sparks of flavor.

I enjoyed the flavor combination of strawberry and chocolate, but it was a bit too sweet and not tangy enough for my taste. I preferred the regular yogurt version.

The Milka Strawberry Yogurt bar was also soft and pliable. It, too, was segmented, though each segment was rectangular and stamped with the Milka logo rather than the Ritter Sport logo (of course).

The Milka bar was more muted in its coloring, so it didn’t look nearly as striking as the Ritter Sport version. It’s chocolate was lighter brown, and the strawberry filling was beige with pink bits.

This bar had a far more genuine strawberry yogurt flavor – it tasted just like the store-bought real deal! It had more depth and complexity, more fullness of flavor.

The filling had a light crunchiness, I think from real strawberry seeds. They didn’t add any flavor flashes, though.

The Milka bar’s chocolate was thinner than that of the Ritter Sport’s, and I thought it wasn’t as nice. It lacked the Ritter Sport’s caramel complexity.

Still, I liked the Milka bar better than the Ritter Sport because the filling had more spot-on strawberry yogurt flavor. But I also found it too sweet and preferred the tarter and tangier plain yogurt bar. Both get Os.

By Rosa