Farm Machinery 

Farm accidents happen more frequently than you would think, even with top machinery like Crommelins. Every day, around 100 agricultural employees are injured and miss time at work, which is significantly greater than in many other sectors. Heavy machinery, such as tractors and ploughs, is the major cause of these incidents since users need a great deal of ability and experience to operate the machinery effectively and safely. Fortunately, there are steps you can do to help prevent these accidents, including performing routine machine maintenance and reading all your farm equipment safety instructions. We’ve also got lots of useful tips for you right here.

Why Is Farm Safety So Important?

Farming, like any other occupation that includes operating heavy equipment, can be dangerous. Defects and improper usage of farming equipment are frequent causes of injuries and accidents. A tractor rollover, for instance, might occur when the user turns too quickly on a curve or drives too near to an incline or ditch. Furthermore, farmers might easily be injured when the equipment is defective or malfunctioning. Defects can occur because of a faulty design or because the machinery has not been properly maintained and cared for. That’s why it is vital to follow robust farm equipment safety guidelines while on the job and to invest in functioning and dependable machinery. 

Though, there are two main reasons to follow good farm safety:

  • To protect yourself, your workers, your livestock, and your crop from preventable harm.
  • To save you time and money on the job.

What Do Machines Do In Farming?

Agriculture mechanisation refers to the acquisition and use of farming machinery. Farming machinery comes in many forms whether small or large, portable, or immovable, powered or not. It also is used for a wide range of tasks including tilling, cultivation, thrashing, irrigation, haulage, manufacturing, processing and much more. 

Where we once used man and animal power, mechanisation has meant advantages for farmers and agricultural practitioners of all sorts. These benefits include: 

 Improved Efficiency & Speed

Farming activities are more efficient and faster when they are mechanised. A farmer who could previously cultivate one acre of ground with two horses in a day can now cultivate 12 acres with a tractor in the same amount of time. The use of agricultural technology in farming methods reduces the need for human labour too, which can be unreliable and differ from day to day. 

Increased Output & Bottom Line

With better agricultural machinery, along with chemicals, improved seed types and other advancements, farmers can increase their output and bottom line. Importantly, because you can work faster, you are also spending less in resources, further improving the bottom line.

Better Use of Land

Farming requires a lot of land, no matter what is being cultivated. As a result, being able to better manage the land available to you means that you can produce more. This leads to better returns for you, as well as helping fulfil the food and resource requirements of a growing population. 

 Our Top 7 Safety Tips for Operating Your Farming Machinery Safely

So, there’s no denying that farm safety and using agricultural machinery correctly is well worth the effort. But how do you go about making sure your farm machinery is safely used every time?

1. Comply With State & Federal Laws

Because heavy-duty agricultural equipment can cause serious harm if managed incorrectly, various state and federal rules restrict its operation. Follow all federal and state farm machinery safety laws to use your equipment responsibly and avoid fines. Common rules include machine labelling and illumination requirements, particularly when operators use machinery on public highways. While it may seem like more trouble than it’s worth, these regulations are in place for a reason.

2. Thoroughly Go Through Your Equipment Manual

Always read the owner’s handbook and follow any instructions for appropriate operation before using any agricultural equipment. Even if you’re used to driving a certain type of machine, such as a tractor or harvester, you should read the owner’s handbook for each new piece of farm equipment you add to your fleet. This is because a new tractor may differ significantly from your old one, so it’s important to read the equipment handbook and verify you understand how to use it safely. 

 3. Conduct Regular Maintenance Checks

Preventive maintenance is critical for operator safety, effective output, and machinery longevity. Lack of maintenance, incorrect usage, and wear and tear are three typical factors that harm agricultural machinery. Therefore, you should take appropriate precautions to avoid these situations or make their impact as minimal as possible whenever feasible. 

So, ensure that you clean your equipment on a regular basis. Because filthy equipment is more prone to malfunction, cleaning it on a regular basis is critical for good maintenance and increased durability. Perform frequent cleaning duties to prevent the accumulation of mud, grime, dust, and pollutants. These include filter inspection and replacement, pressure cleaning, seal inspection, and gear oiling. 

Address any indications of wear and tear as well. You may extend the life of your equipment by keeping an eye out for symptoms of wear and tear and fixing them as soon as they appear. Checking your bearings for tightness, repairing any missing or damaged belts, adjusting drooped chains, and verifying shafts are straight are some suggestions. 

 4. Wear Protective Garments  

Avoid wearing loose-fitting clothing when working with farm machinery. Otherwise, your clothes can become entangled in moving machine parts, causing damage to the machine and injury to yourself. Wear specially designed protective clothes instead. This decreases the danger of injury and safeguards the operator in the event of an accident. 

 5. Stay Well-Rested

Did you know that operator tiredness is a major cause of accidents since fatigued drivers are more prone to make mistakes or even fall asleep behind the wheel? Therefore, do not operate heavy machinery if you are exhausted. Before you get behind the wheel, get some well-needed rest. 

 6. Do Not Handle Farm Machinery While Under the Influence

Even one alcoholic beverage can affect your ability to manage farm equipment properly. As a result, it’s essential to avoid alcohol and narcotics of any type when operating machinery. Before operating agricultural equipment, make sure you’re entirely sober to be as attentive as possible, retain excellent judgement, and avoid a tragic accident. 

 7. Empower & Educate Your Team 

Any member of the team who will be managing the machinery should be familiar with how to do so properly to avoid injuries, and damage to machinery and property. Make sure you offer a complete lesson on how to manage the machine, as well as other important things like properly washing and servicing farm machinery, being knowledgeable about the farmland, dressing appropriately, and being up to speed on federal and state farm equipment legislation. 

 Ready to Get Farm Safe? 

Agriculture encompasses much more than just the cultivation of a few fruits and veggies. It is one of the largest human-managed ecosystems on the planet. However, no matter how hard you work or how competent you are, running a farm by yourself without proper equipment is difficult. At the same time, you also want machinery you can rely on and that can be safely used. That’s why it is highly recommended to invest in quality equipment from trusted brands like Crommelins.

If you’d like to get your very own Crommelins machinery, you’ll find plenty at Bunyip Equipment. They also have tools and accessories to help make it easier to take care of your farm machinery, along with spare parts to replace broken or worn-out components. Explore their range today! 


By Varsha