Hearing aids

Hearing aids: helpful tips for taking care of your devices

You’ll often see someone with a hearing aid. There are several reasons for this trend. First, more and more people have hearing loss. Statistics show that more than 17% of Americans have hearing problems. Second, a lot of patients are using hearing aids to correct the situation. Yes, even 5 to 10 years ago, these people preferred to leave hearing aids at home. They felt ashamed of the stares from passersby and other people. Besides, the old models were big and uncomfortable. But today everything is different. Now, hearing aids are powerful, comfortable, and stylish devices. They are a great help to millions of people in any situation! But they need your help, too! If you want your devices to work efficiently, you must take care of them!

A few words about hearing aids

Hearing aids are the best solution for Americans with hearing loss. These devices restore your ability to hear and understand sounds and voices around you. How do they work? Hearing aids amplify some frequencies and reduce others. As a result, the person can hear. How does the doctor determine which frequencies to amplify or reduce? It depends on each individual case.

Hearing aids are personalized medical devices. A hearing care professional selects and adjusts the models according to the patient’s specific needs. These include the degree of hearing loss, the particular structure of the hearing organs, and the patient’s personal wishes. Such an approach ensures the most effective and comfortable experience.

Choosing and buying hearing aids is a complicated process. Today, some Americans buy medical devices on their own at specialized centers or online stores. They don’t consult a doctor beforehand. What kind of result do they get? Unfortunately, they only get hearing problems and disappointment. Do not choose hearing aids on your own. Remember that these are complex medical devices, and only an experienced specialist can select and adjust them for you to enjoy high-quality sound in any acoustic situation!

What about the lifespan?

Lifespan is as important for hearing aids as other features. After all, they are not cheap electronic devices. Not every American can afford to buy a new device every 1-2 years. In addition, choosing, buying, and adjusting is time-consuming. So users who have spent time and money want their devices to last as long as possible.

How long can your indispensable helpers last? Depending on the model purchased, manufacturers guarantee a lifespan of three to five years. Visit the hearing aid store to find popular hearing aids in various price categories. The service life depends on many factors. For example, these are:

  • Hearing aid model
  • Frequency of use
  • Hearing aid care 

If you have moderate or severe hearing loss, you probably wear the devices all day, taking them off only before going to bed. You can’t influence the model and frequency of use. But if you take good care of your hearing instruments, you’ll prolong their lifespan!

Hearing aid care and protection tips

So, you bought hearing aids. Your doctor has adjusted them, and now you put the devices on every day when you wake up. That’s great! Now let’s talk about what to look out for when using hearing aids.

Read the manufacturer’s manual

Read your hearing aid manual carefully. Each manufacturer describes in detail how a particular model works, its special features, and the steps for proper care and use. Use this knowledge.

Protect your device from the sun

If you take your hearing aids off at the beach, you run the risk of exposing them to direct sunlight. It is destructive to electronic components. Leave your devices at home or in a hotel room. If you can’t afford it, cover your hearing aids with a towel.

Do not leave hearing aids in the car

We all know not to leave children or pets in the car in the summertime. The sun can really heat up the vehicle, raising the temperature inside to unthinkable levels. Such temperatures will quickly damage the electronics inside your hearing aids.

Remove devices in some situations

Some forget to remove their devices before a shower, swimming pool, or medical exam. As a result, their hearing aids break. Despite the comfort, don’t forget to take your devices off in time!

Clean your devices

Moisture, dust, and sunlight have a devastating effect on your hearing aids. But there is also earwax and sweat, which can also damage your devices. Clean your devices regularly. Wipe your hearing aids daily with a clean, dry, soft cotton cloth so that no dirt or earwax remains on them. It is best to use hearing aid cleaning tools for quality cleaning.

Dry your hearing aids while charging

Hot weather releases a lot of sweat, which is detrimental to your hearing aids. Dry your devices every day! It is advisable to use a hearing aid dryer for it.

Use a protective hearing aid case

A hearing aid storage case is a great thing. It’ll hide your devices from children and pets, plus it can protect your hearing aids from the sun and water, which we wrote about above.