Environmental Disaster

Education Against Environmental Disaster: How Universities Are Saving the Planet

Knowledge Is Power- Environmental Disaster

Knowledge is power. This catchphrase gets especially meaningful when it goes for education and climate change. Of course, knowledge alone is not enough to make a difference. However, true data and analysis can motivate a conscious person to act. That is why education plays a significant role in environmental protection. Starting from elementary school, teachers cultivate a love for nature in their pupils. As children grow up, the tasks become more complex. Environmental Disaster-

The programs of most universities involve writing global warming and climate change argumentative essays, as it is vital to forge the worldview of young people. Preparing essays on global warming, students find out what actions can harm our planet and how every earthling can prevent the catastrophe. Increasing public awareness of environmental issues can really make a difference. 

Almost all topics of environmental science, such as college papers or climate change thesis, or an analysis of water pollution coursework, are timely for everyone living on this planet. These problems have long since left libraries and university audiences and have become part of world politics. And they mustn’t leave students’ heads and hearts after graduation and getting a diploma.

Why Environmental Literacy or Environmental Disaster is A Must?

There have been many efforts to combat climate change during the last several years. Since 2012, the United Nations (UN) has promoted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). But to make these initiatives work and achieve the goals, we need environmental literacy. Only education can turn these distant political decisions into close and dear objectives. 

It’s a high probability that students will develop a different behavior after writing an essay or doing research for a term paper. Or even better, what if their attitude changes? Proper courses and lessons can make people talk about the problem with their friends and relatives. Education may also get young people excited about getting a grade and building a career in this field.

Experts stress the significance of embracing notions that had previously been the preserve of scientific circles. It’s about global warming and greenhouse gas emissions as well as renewable energy and carbon footprints, deforestation, recycling, etc. The main goal now is to make 

A Better Approach To Environmental Education

Many topics on how to save the environment seem depressing to most people. Why is it so? The issues seem so global that an average person feels helpless. For example, teachers often tell pupils that the leading cause of the greenhouse effect is water vapor. Such lessons don’t make youngsters feel empowered. Also, environmental science lessons often involve what we have to give up for the planet’s sake. Such an approach doesn’t inspire too.

Is there a way out? Sure! We can emphasize little things that matter and teach how our everyday choices influence the environment. Anybody might face a challenge about which juice packaging to pick in the store. And educated consumers would know that aluminum is the only routinely recycled package at very high rates. Furthermore, it’s the only one that can be recycled profitably. Focusing on everyday choices we make can bring environmental literacy to another level.

Facts About Saving The Earth

Here are some fascinating facts about the environment that you should be aware of.

  • There was a more than threefold increase in human use of Earth’s natural resources from 1970 to 2015. From 2015 to 2050, we may anticipate a more than twofold increase in our use of natural resources.
  • If present destruction rates are maintained, this planet’s rainforests will be gone by 2100.
  • Our seas will deplete seafood in 30 years if present trends continue.
  • There will be three times as much rubbish produced by cities in 2100 as there is now.
  • Approximately 1 million marine animals are killed each year due to people discarding plastic bags and other items into the water.
  • Glass, from which most bottles are made, decomposes more than 4,000 years.
  • No one knows how long do we have to save the planet because of the damage people deal on Earth. For instance, nearly 100 acres of rainforests are cut down every minute.

Keeping all that facts in mind, it’s easier to realize the magnitude of the impending trouble.   


Climate change is the most outstanding issue of our time. It comes from the Earth’s reaction to our growing disconnection from nature. Education centers, environmental classes, and portals have the power to fix that disengagement. Thorough knowledge of the problem is the first step to its solution. And if knowledge is combined with the desire to change the situation, the results will not be slow to arrive.