With a population of 1.3 million, San Diego is California’s second most populous city. You will find people from all walks of life out and about to meet their daily errands. In a thriving city like San Diego, slip and fall accidents are standard, causing severe injuries and financial hardship for the victims. When dealt with such a blow, you have no other option but to seek the assistance of seasoned slip and fall lawyers San Diego. These professionals possess in-depth knowledge and relevant expertise in handling such cases. By overcoming the legal complexities and working in favor of the clients, these lawyers are working tirelessly to seek justice. 

When dealing with a slip and fall case, every shred of evidence matters. If you have access to surveillance footage, you should definitely produce it in the court of law as evidence in support of your claim. CCTV cameras are installed in different parts of the city. You will find them everywhere. From restaurants to bus stops to public parks, these cameras are constantly recording everything that is going on around them. You must know how this camera recording can help you win the case.

  • Unbiased witness:

Our memories can often get jumbled, and our thoughts can become unclear with the passage of time, but surveillance cameras, on the other hand, offer unbiased proof. They record every event as and when it happens, providing a raw account of what happened. The recordings can be used as an effective tool for confirming or rejecting allegations. 

  • Proving negligence:

A significant aspect of a slip and fall case is that the incident happened because of the negligence of the manager or the property owner, resulting in unsafe conditions. The surveillance camera can be used in this regard to reveal:

  1. Slippery or wet floor without a proper warning sign.
  2. Tripping hazards were left unattended.
  3. The hazard’s presence before the accident occurred and the owner’s lack of awareness.
  • Showcasing the sequence of events:

The matter does not end with justifying the slip and fall incident. The events before and after the tragedy are equally crucial. The CCTV camera can give answers to critical questions like:

  1. Was the injured party careless on his part?
  2. Were there any witnesses present on the scene?
  3. Did the property staff handle the situation well?
  • Corroborating the story of the victim:

Suppose the jury questions the extent of the injuries sustained by the victim and is not happy with what they say. In that case, the victim can furnish the surveillance recording to show how bad the injury was by proving that he was struggling to get up and had to ask for help after the accident. 

  • What happens if the footage is deleted or damaged?

CCTV footage is extremely helpful in proving your claim, but at times, the footage might get erased, lost, or simply not available. In San Diego, you need to act first. The lawyer will send an official letter to the property owner asking him to retain the necessary footage. If the footage is really lost, there is nothing that you can do. You have to then rely on other evidence and witness comments to prove your claim.

  • Speak with a slip and fall lawyer in San Diego right away:

Slip and fall incidents can often become complicated due to insufficient evidence. However, with the necessary surveillance footage, you can strengthen your claim in San Diego’s personal injury court system. Whether you are the victim or the property owner, providing the CCTV recordings in the court of law can turn the case in your favor.  

Find out more about the leading attorneys in San Diego dealing with such cases. You should hire a reliable one to get the desired justice. 

By Varsha