plays a big role

What to Know When Choosing an Online Training Platform

Creating and delivering online training to employees or external stakeholders is a large part of running a business in the modern technological age. To do that, you must choose the right online training platform. Whether it’s an employee training platform, learning management system, or learning experience program, there is a wide range of options available to business owners. 

Choosing the right one can lead to great success and position learners to thrive. Choosing the wrong one can have financially adverse consequences. To help you find a solution that works for your organization, we’ve compiled a list of the top five things to look for in an online training platform.


When choosing an online learning platform for your organization, customization is a crucial element to look for because every organization is different. You must be able to tailor it to your specific needs and goals. Whether constructing certain modules, specific learning content, or defining a certification system, customization leads to employees using the training program. You can also create quizzes or tests based on content that you can use to engage with users. You can personalize learning content to make it even more engaging. You might also be able to include videos, pdfs, and images to help learners engage with the content. This is only something you can do with a heavily customizable LMS or enterprise learning platform and is ultimately the first thing to look for when choosing such a system.


An online training platform should be easy to use, intuitive, and have a clear user interface. When looking for a learning platform, make sure it’s uncluttered and easy to use. Usability plays a big role in learner engagement and adoption of the system. Easy navigation is a must, and the ability to engage with it on mobile devices. If an LMS is difficult to navigate or understand, learners won’t be willing to use it. That would not be good for the organization. To encourage participation, increasing usability is vital. Just think about all the time, energy, and money you’ll save by having a usable system. In addition to helping learners, it can help creators and managers navigate the system better and optimize its performance. Usability also contributes to accessibility and user satisfaction, all of which matter when training employees or customers.


An additional crucial aspect to consider when selecting an LMS is its scalability. It is imperative to ensure that the learning platform can adapt to the growth and changes of your organization. The online training platform should be capable of accommodating the evolving needs of your company, such as the seamless addition of new courses, programs, or content as required. Furthermore, scalability encompasses the ability to handle the number of users accessing the platform simultaneously. By procuring a scalable LMS and utilizing it efficiently, savings can be achieved, and the system can be maintained effectively as the number of users fluctuates.


Another thing to consider about enterprise learning platforms is whether or not you can monetize them. Consider how and if you’ll monetize the training. Most do have built-in monetization options that automatically take care of this. Whether it’s charging for access, selling products such as learning materials, or a subscription service, there are some obvious ways to monetize it. But there are other ways you might not have considered. These include private sales, content licensing, advertising, sponsorships, using a freemium model, and many other options. Monetization is a way to drive additional revenue while growing your enterprise learning platform. It can also help get your learning content in front of more people. How you monetize it is up to you, but you should consider it when implementing an LMS or other platform into your organization.


The final, and perhaps most important part of choosing a learning platform, is understanding what types of analytics it provides. Analytics help identify trends and patterns that you might not notice right away. They’re also useful for obtaining feedback to help you tweak your programs and learning content. Some common analytics for learning management include user engagement, number of logins, time spent on the platform, retention rates, and completion rates. But there’s so much more than that. You can find a system that incorporates social learning and forums to get as much feedback and insight as possible. That way, you were able to optimize the usage and performance of your training platforms while helping employees get the most out of them.