Intelligent Automation, also known as alternately intelligent process automation refers to the unification or integration of robotics with numerous components from various innovative, emerging brand-new technologies. Intelligent Automation (IA) is a software term that is a combination of robotic process automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Furthermore, robotics is modifying the plan and regulation of every organizational function from tax, IT, HR, and finance to provide chain, customer care, and regulatory compliance. By combining machine learning and artificial intelligence it automates convoluted business processes with the help of AI robots. It is operated by tackling and merging cognitive technologies with robotic process automation (RPA) which generate end-to-end business functions that think, learn and modify on their own.

Using machine learning to scrutinize the historical and real-time workload and enumerate data can be a good example of Intelligence Automation. The platform of Intelligence Automation could then cope with workloads to improve runtimes and avert delays, while deprovisioning and provisioning virtual machines to reach the real-time demand.

However, there are three types of Intelligence automation including - 

  1. Fixed Automation: It is also known as “Hard Automation” which refers to automated or self-operating robotic production provision in which the course of functioning operations is stable and rooted by the equipment arrangement. As a result, the programmed commands are restrained in the machines in the form of gears, wirings, cams, and other hardware which are not simply reformed from the style of one product to another one. This kind of automation is featured by high production rates as well as a high initial investment. Therefore, it is also convenient for products that are made in huge volumes. Automatic assembly machines, machining transmit lines in the automotive industry and certain chemical processes are some examples of fixed automation.
  2. Programmable Automation: Programmable Automation refers to a form of automation that produces products in batches or lots. The items are created in lot qualities that range from a certain dozen to certain thousand units all along. The production equipment must be reallocated and changed over to assist the new product style for each new batch. This changeover and reprogramming take time to attain and there is a stage where non-productive time is followed by a production that is operated for each new cluster. In programmable automation, production rates are usually lower as compared to fixed automation, because the item is created to facilitate product transformation rather than product specialization. An example of programmable automation includes a numerical-control machine tool.
  3. Flexible Automation: It is also known as an extension of programmable automation. There is a disadvantage of programmable automation which is the problem of time needed to reallocate and transfigure the production item for every batch of a new item. This is a loss of production time, which is very costly as well. However, in flexible automation, the variation of products is adequately limited so that the transfiguration of the equipment in this automation is done offline which means the programming is executed at a computer terminal without the use of the production item itself. Consequently, there is no need to cluster identical items into batches, rather, a combination of various products can be made one after another.

What Are the Benefits of Intelligent Automation?

Here are the main benefits of intelligent automation- 

  • Improve Confidentiality, Compliance, and Security: The potentiality to use insights obtained from big data has built a quivering shift in the way many industries direct their business in the 21st century. With an agile and well-conceived automation strategy in the marketplace, the mission censorious analytical data your company relies on is better shielded from glitches and virus attacks.
  • Enhance Customer Experience: As a company integrates Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) into its functioning, the internal regulations translate to outward-facing facilities from the customers and clients. All the questions and queries are answered more accurately and quickly and complaints are also resolved. As a result, the ongoing process becomes less cumbersome.    
  • Reduce End To End Business Process Times: Intelligent Process Automation at once accelerates the functioning systems and develops efficiencies, specifically in use cases where huge amounts of data must be controlled, monitored, and transferred. By utilizing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in concert with smart technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, tasks notably become less labor intensive as well as less time-consuming. 
  • Providing More Easily Auditable Records: Before the intelligence process automation, business functions were usually put through to inconsistent execution and human error. Vital information was often caged in separate department silos, making its value hard to unlock. This permits the development of smooth and clear document transaction inquiries, simplifying the process of what is working and what is not in a market enterprise. 
  • Release the Pain Of “Growing Pains”: As business functions are automated across the companies, the outcome efficiencies permit leadership to concentrate on new ways to enhance revenue streams. An IPA platform that is well-conceived is purpose-built to be simply adaptable.
  • Save Money and Time: Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) will supply reduced costs and uplift efficiencies across your company. 
  • Shift Employee Efforts To Tasks That Capitulate Greater ROI: IPA permits you to alleviate employees of time-consuming and repetitive activities by allowing bots to do the “menial work”. With the help of RPA in place, you can be assured that routine jobs are executed in an error-free and consistent manner and your human resources can be shuffled in ways that capitulate gradational value to the enterprise.
  • Facilitate Continuous Improvement: Artificial Intelligence and machine learning work all together to discover new and better ways to improve operational efficiencies right away. While human creativity and insight act as conductors and composers of the IPA symphony, ML and AI become maestro players in the industrial orchestra. 

All the mentioned benefits are proven to contribute to cost savings and which is possibly the only biggest reason IPA has come out as a focal point of the digital transfiguration revolution.  

The Future Of Intelligence Automation

When intelligence automation meets its full potential, it will boost and not easily replace human effort. Even with Computer gaming programs like AlphaGo, various moves made by the program encouraged the human players to reanalyze their strategies that had otherwise endured mostly the same for thousands of years. Similarly, IPA can allow clients to take a step back and develop orthodox ways of doing business.

While technology is crucial to intelligent automation, people are at the center of any initiative. Ultimately, in the future, if your business is automation, then who will make that happen? From where will you learn the systems of automation? How will you recognize what to value most? How will you deliver? The answer is -You will. Ultimately, none can understand your business and related staff and functions better than you.

Intelligence Process Automation (IPA) begins and ends with the people. Occasionally, there is no alternative for human intelligence. Specifically, when it is required to use complicated business rules, call on judgment to regulate the genuine course of action, or make use of circumspection to navigate gray areas.


Your journey for Intelligence Automation will be ongoing. In the upcoming days, new technologies will launch and existing technologies will meet to form new cognitive potentials. But we shouldn’t be afraid of change. The future of Intelligence Process Automation will guide businesses toward more flexible and changeable technologies that help the figureheads unwrap greater Return on Investment (ROI) from their robotic and human resources.