How to Use External Data Platforms to Grow Your Business

Are you looking for ways to grow your business? If so, you may want to consider using external data platforms. These platforms can provide you with valuable insights that can help you make informed decisions about your business. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to use external data platforms to grow your business. We’ll also provide some tips on how to get the most out of these platforms. So if you’re ready to learn more about using external data platforms to grow your business, read on!

Define what data you need and where to find it

To effectively plan and implement any project, it is important to first identify the data that you need, as well as where to acquire it. A good first step is to define your objectives and research questions and develop a roadmap or timeline of the project based on those outcomes. From there, you can determine what data needs to be collected to fulfil those goals. Once you have identified your data sources, it is essential to create a systematic plan for collecting and storing the information, as well as tracking the progress of both research and implementation. Data related to a project can come from various sources including surveys, interviews, readings, observations or simulations. With access to these resources, you can develop an effective collection strategy that will ensure accurate results when analyzing your data. Lastly, document your findings in detail so that others involved in your project can easily understand and use the information at their disposal. Ultimately, understanding what data is necessary for success and where it comes from for easy identification of variables will facilitate the efficient completion of any project.

Understand how to use APIs to access the data

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, provide a powerful tool for developers to quickly and efficiently access data from wide-ranging sources. They are responsible for taking in information requests and returning the exact type of data requested by users in a structured format. APIs can provide access to valuable public datasets stored by governments and organizations, as well as proprietary information that is being held by companies allowing them to remain competitive. Because APIs operate inside a web container or server, they require various authentication steps to successfully allow developers to access this data. Depending on the source of the data, different types of authentication may be necessary; whether it’s an API key or an open ID token, you must understand how each will affect your ability to access data through their functions. Once authenticated and authorized, power users can email exact pieces of data pulled directly from an API call rather than having to manually take screenshots or copy/paste table cells one at a time. To truly get the most out of working with APIs, it is important to understand how they work and authenticate user requests to manipulate and utilize the plethora of available datasets efficiently and securely.

Learn how to clean and format the data for analysis

As data sets have become larger and more complex, the need for accurate cleaning and formatting of data has become essential for successful data analysis. Cleaning and formatting can help reduce noise in the data and enable better insights to be discovered from the raw numbers. Before starting this process, it is important to understand the basic types of data that need to be cleaned. The most common types include numerical and categorical data, which should not be mixed or combined with text or dates. Once the different types of data have been identified, it is essential to make sure all numbers are correct, eliminate duplicates, convert measurements into a standard format, use either upper or lower case letters, and re-arrange the order of columns where appropriate. From there, more sophisticated methods such as principal component analysis and normalization may be employed to further process the data for statistical tests or machine learning algorithms. By understanding and mastering these crucial steps of cleaning and formatting a dataset before analyzing it, you will ensure that you receive accurate results from your studies.

Share your results with others in your organization

Any organization seeking organizational improvement should consider the power of sharing results. Results-sharing encourages collaboration, allows for better decision-making, and informs strategic planning. Making the results of a specific process, procedure or outcome known to all stakeholders involved in an organization can foster trust and understanding, as well as increase enthusiasm for organizational initiatives. Furthermore, sharing results helps to improve accountability within an organization by allowing team members to understand the impact their contributions have on the greater whole. When results are shared openly and frequently with different segments of a company or team, it can enable employees to better understand how their efforts contribute to success. As such, regular information sharing ensures that everyone feels connected with the overall mission and objectives of an organization and reinforces the idea that individual successes are shared successes. In sum, when done systematically, sharing results within an organization can help create a culture of cooperation by solidifying mutual understanding between colleagues and encouraging everyone to take ownership of organizational success.


External data platforms provide business owners with valuable information that can help them make informed decisions about their businesses. By using external data platforms, business owners can gain access to a wealth of information that can help them grow their businesses. In this blog post, we have provided you with a few tips on how to choose the right external data platform for your needs. We hope that you find this information helpful and that it will help you grow your business in the future!