Essay Writing

How To Overcome The Anxiety And Fear Of Essay Writing?

Fear and anxiety are one of the most common and complex problems that affect human beings at this point in time. According to the study, around 6 million adults, or 2.7% of USA citizens, suffer from panic disorder.

Among the fears and anxiety, essay writing phobia is among the notable ones. Students engage themselves in writing essays right throughout their school days. They also are burdened with numerous essays and assignments in colleges and universities apart from the modules. 

Sadly, many students develop a fear of writing, especially essay writing. When the universities assign themselves essays, they procrastinate, somehow finish them, and submit them at the eleventh hour only to get poor impressions and grades. Are you, too, suffering from the same fear and anxiety? This article might help you combat your fear and anxiety.

Ways To Evade Fear And Anxiety Of Essay Writing

Students who develop a fear and anxiety in writing college essays suffer throughout their academic careers. You can take the help of some ways to alleviate the iceberg of fear and anxiety that developed through the year.

1. Selection Of The Subject

Selection of the subject is one of the most effective ways to kill the fear of writing. It can not only help you devote time to your research and write essays fast. Essay writing requires your time and engagement. 

Selecting a favourable subject can help you invest hours in research. Consequently, you end up writing a high-quality essay. If you select an essay topic on which you can access a wide range of data, you can write well. So try to find an essay topic on which you can research and write effectively. You can also take the help of a competent essay writing service like Fresh Essays. The topics and their approach can help you out. 

2. Understand Where The Fear Comes From

If you notice that you continuously procrastinate while writing essays, it denotes something is wrong. You need to find out and understand the exact reason for your fear. Only then can you develop yourself.

  • Do you fear writing on difficult topics?
  • Are you not able to do it in an organised manner?
  • Do you think that you have fear grades?

Fear and concerns are not common nowadays. Try to identify where fears come from. Then it can be easy for you to win over it. According to an estimation from Statista, around 13.87 million enrolled in public colleges. The competition is huge So you need to be serious about it. Work on your psychological aspects. 

3. Break Down Your Assignments Into Smaller And Activable Parts

One of the most effective ways of writing is breaking down the entire assignment into smaller sections. When you select the subject, you need to make a rough calendar and thorough plan for your essay. 

Breaking down the essay can help you shorten the time investment. It can help you finish things within a short period of time. You do not have to invest all your time researching for hours. Invest in a short period, and you will observe that you have finished things comfortably within time.

4. Self-Rewarding Process

Self-rewarding is one of the most important ways to help you write an essay. It can help you write effective essays. Set some timeline against your section and finish it within the time. 

Achieve it and reward yourself. That’s really fun, isn’t it? Try to make the assignments as light as possible. It can help you fight fear and anxiety. Therefore, let’s try to find ways to express yourself in black and white. 

According to psychologists self-rewarding is highly effective, and it can indeed bring change to your writing and improve your writing quality. So set small targets and attain them. You can achieve them according to your needs. Therefore try to understand the efficacy of rewards.

5. Discussion The Essay To The Teachers And The Students

Developing fear and anxiety in writing essays is now getting common among students. So, one of the most effective ways of writing it is discussion. When you develop a fear of something, it won’t allow you to do well. 

But if you do the same activity in a group engagement, you do much better. Therefore, it does not take much to understand that the problem is psychological to some extent. 

Group discussions are highly effective in addressing the fear of the individual. When you discuss matters with your friends, you can observe the subject from a different perspective.

6. Envision The Writing As A Structured Process

One reason students are discouraged from writing essays is that it’s all about creativity. If you develop a fear in writing, it will not allow you to open up your thoughts. As a result, you might not be able to write clearly.

Universities offer guidance against their essays and dissertations. You have to use them to write down a quality essay effectively. Follow the structure, and you can write well. You do not have to consider it a creative pursuit, envision it as a structured essay, and you can alleviate the fear.

7. Silence Your Inner Critics

The fear of writing can be quite solely psychological sometimes. You might have heard quite a number of things that you do not write well. Now, this might have created a cycle in your mind. Consequently, this fear and fatigue damage your confidence. 

Why don’t you take charge and challenge yourself?

You might have developed a mental block. Deconstruct it by writing. Take up the challenge and silence the critic within you. If you do it successfully, you can defeat the outside critics.

8. Take Intermittent Breaks

Take Intermittent breaks and refresh your thoughts. While you sit down to write essays, it’s always better to shun long stretches of time. Writing essays involves a lot of research and writing. 

However, if you have already developed fear and anxiety about writing essays, you might perceive that the essays you become tired of and you don’t feel that effective any further. So one of the great ways to follow is taking intermittent breaks. It can help you write well.

What Else Do You Need?

Calm Yourself up to overcome the fears and anxiety while writing an essay. The more you fear, the more you are away from your ultimate goal. Believe us; you need more and more engagement. 

You can take long breaths to lessen the intensity of your fear and anxiety. It is highly effective, and can help you fight stress and depression. Therefore it’s better to follow the above mentioned ways to fight anxiety and stress.