CPR Certification Renewal: What You Need to Know

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation recertification is crucial to help maintain one’s ability to offer medical assistance during emergencies. CPR certification renewal ensures that you are always prepared with the latest practices. The guidelines tend to evolve, and it is vital to keep up with the latest updates. Let us discuss the main aspects of CPR certification renewal and know how long does CPR certification last.

What is CPR certification renewal?

CPR certification renewal is the process of renewing your CPR skills. It keeps your skills up-to-date and helps you refresh your memory.

Why do you need to renew your CPR certification?

CPR is an essential skill that can save lives in emergencies. Unfortunately, several people often neglect to renew their certification. But it is crucial to renew it for the following reasons:

  1. Stay updated: CPR guidelines are evolving constantly. With medical advancements, they change. What you learned today may not be effective two years later. Renewal courses help you stay updated with the latest guidelines.
  2. Boost your skill proficiency: CPR proficiency often tends to decline when not practiced regularly. Renewal ensures skilled training and higher proficiency. Moreover, you will also have the opportunity to practice in front of instructors. This boosts your muscle memory.
  3. Enhance your confidence: It is crucial to administer CPR skills with confidence. Recertification boosts your confidence and helps you stay calm. This ensures that you can offer the best possible care.
  4. Adaptive to different situations: Renewal exposes you to distinct scenarios and teaches you to effectively adapt to situations. This makes you much more flexible and adaptive to different situations.
  5. Legal protection: CPR recertification offers legal protection to practitioners during administration. Timely renewal protects you legally and ensures that you follow norms and standards.
  6. Boosts career opportunities: Having an updated CPR certification boosts career opportunities for individuals in the healthcare field. Many employers prioritize safety and need employees to hold CPR certification. Thus, renewal ensures career advancement and professional development.

What does a CPR recertification course cover?

CPR recertification is crucial to offering prompt emergency care. The renewal course covers the following:

  1. CPR techniques: The course will offer you an updated understanding of performing chest compressions and rescue breaths.
  2. AED mechanism: It teaches the mechanism of an automated external defibrillator (AED). This device delivers an electric shock and regulates the heartbeat during cardiac arrest.
  3. Basic life support (BLS) skills: The course teaches basic life support skills such as identifying signs of cardiac arrest.
  4. Prompt response: It teaches effective ways to perform CPR swiftly.

On completion of the recertification course, you will receive a CPR recertification card valid for the next two years. Do not forget to schedule your renewal six months before expiration to stay updated and practice CPR or even get that much-deserved promotion or raise from your employer.

What is the duration of the CPR recertification process?

The recertification takes about 2–6 hours to complete. The curriculum is similar to that of the full course. The duration depends on the recertification course provider.

What happens if your CPR certification expires?

CPR certifications are valid for two years. If you fail to renew before it expires, you will not be able to practice CPR. Additionally, you will not know the latest CPR guidelines. This will affect the quality of CPR administration during emergencies. Here is what will happen if your certification expires:

  1. No legal certification: If you do not renew the certification timely, you will not be legally certified to perform CPR.
  2. Skill will deteriorate: CPR skills will degrade without frequent practice. It will reduce the quality of CPR administration and reduce efficiency.
  3. Not eligible for jobs: Several job roles require CPR certification. If the certification card lapses, you will not be able to apply for the desired job of your choice.
  4. Inadequate knowledge: The guidelines undergo periodic changes. Without timely renewal, you will not have the knowledge and skills required to perform CPR. It will lower the quality of treatment delivered.

Is an online CPR certification valid?

Yes, online CPR certifications are valid. They cover the same course module and allow you to learn at your own pace. As it is an online course, you can go back and review the course materials required.


CPR certification renewal is essential to offering prompt assistance during emergencies. Timely renewal keeps you updated with the latest standards and techniques of CPR. If the certification is not renewed for more than 30 days since your date of expiration, you will not be eligible for a renewal course. Hence, it is crucial to be aware of your expiration date and renew it timely. To answer the question, how long does CPR certification last, it lasts for two years. Thus, do not wait until it’s too late. Instead, renew your CPR certification on time to handle medical emergencies confidently and become a Good Samaritan when the occasion arises.