7 Tips How To Deal With Colic

If you’re a new parent, you may have already encountered the issue of colic in infants. Unfortunately, these bouts of fussiness arise without any apparent reason. Even modern scientists haven’t definitively identified the cause of colic in babies. Typically, they start around 2 to 3 weeks of age and tend to subside by the time the child is six months old.

Although the exact cause remains elusive, researchers generally agree that it’s related to the immaturity of the digestive system. Therefore, today we will discuss not only how to alleviate this issue but also how to prevent it.

Colic is a complex phenomenon

Colic itself is a complex issue for parents and the scientific community alike. No one, to this day, knows the exact cause of colic. Furthermore, colic symptoms can resemble those of other conditions like allergies, and in most children, they are triggered by multiple factors simultaneously, making it challenging to pinpoint a universal solution.

Our advice will help you deal with this ailment in the gentlest way for your child. Follow them to identify the specific cause for your child in particular.

Tips for Dealing with Colic

We’ve prepared some effective tips to help you alleviate colic in your baby. The global scientific community specializing in pediatrics recommends the following measures:

  1. Try not to get nervous, because your child can sense your anxiety and might only make the situation worse. Pediatricians say there’s a strong connection between a child and their parents, where they can feel your emotions.
  2. You should pick up your child and gently rock them, which can help alleviate a lot of discomfort for your baby. These actions can help them release excess gas and relax them for further care.
  3. Once you’ve done that, give your child a gentle tummy massage. A light massage will help your child relax their muscles, ease gas, and generally alleviate a significant portion of the discomfort they’re currently experiencing.
  4. To help your child fully calm down, you can give them a pacifier. According to statistics provided by pediatricians, this can significantly help soothe them and reduce colic symptoms.
  5. One of the modern methods to relieve a child from colic is the use of rectal gas relief tubes. This can significantly address the issue that has seemingly arisen out of nowhere by directly releasing gas from the intestines.
  6. This is one of the most important pieces of advice we’ll offer today. Change your child’s diet to something healthier and organic. If your child is currently breastfeeding, you should eliminate certain foods from your own diet that can cause colic. We’re talking about various harmful foods like coffee, dairy products, chocolate, and carbonated drinks. In cases where your child’s diet is based on formula, we recommend switching to an organically pure option from reputable global manufacturers. You should find best organic baby formula on the manufacturer’s website. This is the type of nutrition chosen by many conscientious parents who are concerned about their child’s long-term health.
  7. If colic persists for several weeks, be sure to discuss it with your doctor. It’s not normal for a child to constantly experience discomfort due to excessive bloating or other issues that aren’t resolved with the methods mentioned earlier. There may be underlying health issues that you aren’t aware of.

All of these tips are optimal for every child, so keep them in mind during your parenting journey.

Additional Tips for Dealing with Colic

There are also a few additional tips that are more geared towards addressing an already established situation than entirely new methods of interacting with your child.

  • You need to ensure that your child is properly latched onto your breast, as incorrect positioning can cause significant discomfort and, consequently, colic for the baby.
  • Overfeeding is also one of the most common reasons for colic in modern infants. You should feed your child on demand and as needed, but in such a way that they don’t end up overeating.
  • Even if it’s challenging, create a relaxing atmosphere for feeding your child. It’s advisable to eliminate any background noise or distracting elements that can disrupt the feeding process. Ultimately, this will help your child fall asleep more easily and feel safer and calmer.

If you, as a parent, feel overwhelmed or exhausted, it’s important to seek help from your closest loved ones. You should also consult your doctor if your child’s colic persists. In any case, remember that colic itself is a normal phase that should eventually pass. While it can be disheartening, some children benefit from certain methods recommended by modern pediatricians, while others may not find them effective, but they won’t harm them either.

Try different approaches to find what works best for your specific child. We hope that the tips mentioned above will be helpful and that you’ll be able to resolve this issue as quickly and painlessly as possible.