Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle: Tips for College Students

The college years could be both an exciting and challenging stage in a person’s life. It is when individuals begin to take on more adult-like responsibilities while having the time of their lives exploring new things. However, amidst all the new experiences, maintaining a healthy lifestyle often takes the back seat. With the vast array of fast food chains and 24/7 coffee shops around the campus catering to late-night study sessions, along with the pressures and anxieties a higher education entails, living healthily becomes a bigger challenge. In this article, we will discuss four fundamental tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle for college students.


Building a Balanced Diet

Nutrition plays a vital role in not only keeping the body in shape but also in keeping the mind sharp for all the academic tasks at hand. It is not just about getting the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables daily but understanding how different types of food impact your health. The correct balance includes eating more lean proteins, whole grains and limiting intake of saturated fats, sodium, and added sugars. It’s tempting to settle for a burger from a nearby fast-food joint, but making healthier food choices early greatly impacts one’s physical health and mental well-being. The body is, indeed, what you feed it.


Supplements can be useful too, for addressing nutritional gaps. Supplements to improve gut health can be incredibly beneficial for college students. By addressing the unique challenges they face in terms of hectic schedules, irregular eating habits, and high levels of stress, a gut health supplement can promote better digestion, enhance immune function, and support mental well-being. Incorporating gut health supplements into their daily routine can help college students feel more resilient, energized, and focused, optimizing their overall college experience.


Before adding any new supplement to your routine or making any major changes to your diet, you should talk to your doctor. They can explain how these changes or products may affect any health conditions you have or interact with medications that you’re currently taking.


Staying Active

Physical activity contributes to the quality of one’s physical and mental health. Regular exercise can manage stress, maintain a healthy weight, and increase energy levels. It is recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, but for college students, this might be hard to incorporate into their tight schedules.

Still, staying active does not always mean hitting the gym or going for a run. There are many ways to incorporate routines into your daily activities.


An online degree program, like this one where you can earn a midwife degree, presents numerous advantages for college students seeking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The flexibility afforded by online education allows for the integration of exercise into a student’s routine, without detracting from their academic pursuits. By incorporating breaks into study sessions and capitalizing on efficient time management, students can attain a healthy work-study-life balance. Specifically, a nurse midwife degree equips you with the knowledge and skills to provide comprehensive care to women throughout their reproductive journey.


Getting Enough Rest


Proper rest is often overlooked when juggling classes, extracurricular activities, socializing, and studying. Pulling all-nighters has become an accepted part of the college culture, but its long-term effects on health are far from beneficial. Sleep deprivation can impair memory and cognitive functions, weaken the immune system, and over time, lead to chronic health issues such as obesity and heart disease. Achieving the ideal seven to nine hours of sleep may seem difficult, but it’s not impossible.


To promote better sleep habits, try establishing a regular sleep pattern by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Avoid consuming caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime as they can disrupt your sleep cycle. Make your sleep environment conducive for rest – keep it dark, quiet, and cool. Using your bed only for sleep and not as a study area can also help signal your brain that it’s time to relax and sleep when you lie down.


As you can see, maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a college student might seem overwhelming with everything that’s going on. However, by integrating the tips mentioned above into your daily life, it becomes a manageable task. Remember, your health should always be your priority. A healthy lifestyle may even become the key to succeeding in your college years and beyond. If you stick to our tips, then you’ll feel like your best self throughout your college experience.