How Often Should I Clean My Area Rug?

Area rugs are great for adding warmth and color to a room, but they need some upkeep. Getting them clean can extend their lifespan and keep them looking great for years to come.

Regular vacuuming is a good way to keep your rugs clean, but they need to be deep cleaned at least once every 12-18 months. This frequency of carpet cleaning will get rid of the accumulated dirt and dust that can build up over time.

High-traffic areas

There is no single answer to this question. It varies from home to home and depends on how much traffic your area rug sees. It’s a good bet that you’ll need to have it professionally cleaned on a regular basis. For example, most homeowners would be well served by having it shampooed and steamed at least once a year. Likewise, the best option is to vacuum it at least once a week to prevent sand and grime from being blown around by the wind. If your carpets are in need of a little TLC, our team of area rug cleaning experts is standing by ready to assist you in the task.

If you are looking to get your rugs the shiniest shine they’ve ever had, give us a call today!


Allergens are substances that trigger the immune system in people who are sensitive to them. These can include pollen, certain foods, dust mites, animal dander, and mold spores.

All of these allergens are usually harmless to most people, but for those who are allergic, they can cause a number of symptoms. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, and may even be life-threatening in rare cases.

The immune system identifies and reacts to these allergens by picking them up through antigen-presenting cells, which are special cells that help the body’s immune system identify and fight invading substances. The body then releases histamines to try to get rid of the allergens.

However, if the allergens are not removed by the immune system, the allergy-triggering substance can build up in the skin and airways. This can lead to skin problems such as dermatitis, eczema, or hives.

Besides skin problems, people who are exposed to allergens in the environment can also develop asthma or another respiratory disorder. These conditions are generally triggered by breathing in airborne allergens such as dust, pollen, or pet dander.

While many of these allergens are a direct result of air pollution, they can also come from the products that people use around their homes. For example, food items, such as nuts, seeds, and shellfish can all be potential allergens in the home.

One of the best ways to ensure that your rug is free from these allergens is to clean it regularly. This can be done by vacuuming it every two weeks, or by having it professionally cleaned.

A dirty rug will release allergens into the air that can then be inhaled into your lungs, which is not good for you. These allergens can cause a number of different types of allergic reactions, including rhinitis (allergic rhinitis), sinusitis, or asthma.

Another common problem related to a dirty area rug is athlete’s foot, a fungal infection that develops on the feet when they are in contact with itchy areas. This can be a serious problem for people with sensitive skin and should be addressed immediately.


Pets are great additions to any home, but they can also bring in a lot of dirt and grime. They can track in dirt, mud, and even pollen from the outside world when they come in from outside, and they can have accidents as well, which can stain your area rug and leave a bad smell.

It is best to clean your area rugs as soon as they start to look dirty or have an odor. You can check this by either performing a dust test or a smell test.

A dust test involves lifting a corner of the rug and shaking it around. If you see a large amount of dust on the surface, it is time to get your rug professionally cleaned.

The Smell Test is similar, but it involves getting up close to the carpet and sniffing it. If you can’t find the source of the smell, it is likely that it needs to be cleaned as well.

Another good idea is to purchase a pad for your area rug. This will prevent urine stains from becoming permanent.

Depending on the amount of traffic in your house, you should have your area rugs professionally cleaned every 6 months to a year. This is especially important if you have any pets in the home or have people who have allergies or respiratory problems.

Shedding contamination: Dogs and cats shed hair constantly, which can collect on your area rugs. This is why it is important to vacuum regularly to keep your area rugs looking their best.

This can be done by using a specialized vacuum cleaner designed for pet owners or buying a specialized brush that will pick up shedding fur and dander.

The dander and hair from your pets can cause irritation to you and other family members in the house, so it is important to remove these pollutants as often as possible. This is especially important if you have young children in the house, as they may shake off the dander more than adults do.

Besides dander, your pets can also leave behind feces and vomit that can be difficult to remove. These substances will damage your rugs and may require professional help to remove them.

Water spills

Generally, area rugs need to be vacuumed twice a week to keep grit and dirt from penetrating the fibers. This will also keep the rug’s protective pad from absorbing moisture and leaving watermarks on the floor beneath it.

If a spill occurs, immediately blot it up with a clean cloth or paper towel. This is important because rubbing the stain can set it deeper into the rug, making it more difficult to remove.

After blotting up the liquid, sanitize the spilled material by gently spraying it with a mild disinfectant solution. Avoid using bleach or a cleaning agent that contains bleach as this will weaken the rug’s fibers and may mess with the colors.

For stains that are still fresh, dab them with a clean piece of white paper or cloth that has been dipped into a solution of liquid dish soap and warm water. Use a small amount of the solution and start at the outer edge of the stained area, working inward. Continue blotting until the stain is no longer visible and there are no traces of the liquid on the towel.

Another good option for removing a new spill is to sprinkle baking soda over the area. This will help neutralize the stain and also eliminate odors.

Once the stain has been removed, you can dry it off. To speed up the process, elevate the area where the spill occurred with books or plastic bowls. This will encourage air circulation and also help to remove any remaining odors from the rug.

When you are done, place the rug over a thick towel to dry it. This helps to keep the rug from getting wet again and will prevent mold from growing on the carpet.

You can also take the rug outdoors and hang it on a clothesline to beat the stain out. This works for some types of stains, but not all.

Spills must be cleaned up as soon as possible, especially if they are from liquids like wine, beer, fruity drinks or urine. If the stain is left, it can become very hard to remove and may even rot the warp or weft fabric of the rug. This can be costly to repair.