How Long Will My Filter Last?

How Long Will My Filter Last?

Air filters are created to trap and filter the pollutants, airborne contaminants, and particles that pass through them, thus enhancing indoor air quality. According to Filter King, dust, dirt, and debris will start building up on the air filter, decreasing its effectiveness. 

If you notice the air filter has a considerable build-up of dust, dirt, or debris, it means that your air filter is no longer doing its job correctly, putting your health at risk. A fast and 

an inexpensive option is to replace the air filter with a new and more efficient one.

When Should I Replace an Air Filter?

The lifespan of an air filter depends significantly on the environment in which the filter is used. The amount of airborne irritants, pollutants, or debris determines when your air filter needs to be replaced and how long the new one will last. To determine how often you should replace the air filter, consider the following:

  • Members of the families who have allergies
  • Whether anyone in the house has asthma
  • The number of people living in the house
  • Whether you have pets
  • If there are very young children in the house
  • If your home is occupied full-time

These factors should help you determine how often to replace the air filters. Generally, if you or someone in the home has asthma, allergens, or other breathing issues, it would be best to have your air filters changed every two or three months. 

Which Air Filters Last the Longest?

Some air filters can last up to six months. Usually, the denser the air filter, the longer it will last. For example, fiberglass filters last for a month before they need replacement. A high-end pleated filter can be changed every three to six months. Please keep in mind that this does not take into account the average use of the air filter and its size. 

The lifespan of your air filter depends on its thickness, too. You may need to change a 1″ filter more frequently than a 4″ filter. 

  • A 1″ pleated air filter should be replaced every 30-60 days.
  • A 2″ pleated air filter should be changed every three months.
  • A 3″ pleated air filter should be replaced every 120 days.
  • A 4″ pleated air filter should be replaced every six months.
  • A 5″ or 6″ pleated air filter needs replacement every 9-12 months.

A great advantage of denser air filters is that they last longer and have a higher MERV rating. This result in a better performance of trapping and filtering the particles, pollutants, and contaminants within your home. 

On the other hand, if you have pets, it would be in your best interest to change the air filter as regularly as possible. Pet fur and dander can quickly clog the air filter, reducing its effectiveness. For every cat or dog you have, you should replace the air filter a month sooner than you normally would.

How to Tell When I Need to Replace The Air Filter Immediately

Check your air filter regularly to ensure it’s working properly. Failing to replace your air filter may result in a clogged filter. You should change the air filter regularly so you don’t encounter any of the following issues:

  • HVAC system damage
  • HVAC system malfunction
  • Reduction in the airflow
  • Higher energy bills
  • Poor indoor air quality
  • Reducing the HVAC system’s ability to cool or heat your home
  • Frozen evaporator coils
  • Damage to the heater, compressor, fan, pilot light, pressure switches, or other components 

Bottom Line

Most homeowners have a strict schedule for changing their air filters. But, do not be afraid of checking your air filter regularly to determine if it needs to be changed, especially if you have pets or suffer from respiratory problems. 

When deciding how often you should replace the air filter, consider the size of your home, the air quality of your environment, the size of the space the air filter is being used in, the MERV rating, and the air filter’s thickness. If the air quality of the place you live is not good, then your heating and cooling air conditioner may not work efficiently, causing the air filter to get dirty faster.