cannabis Winnipeg

A Guide: Why Cannabis Winnipeg Users Need to Consider Terpenes?

Are you a cannabis Winnipeg user looking to make more informed purchasing decisions? If so, you’ve likely encountered the term “terpenes” while reading product labels or seeking advice from a budtender. But what exactly are terpenes, and why are they important to consider when selecting a cannabis strain?

Contrary to popular belief, factors such as Sativa or Indica classification and THC content are not the only things to consider when selecting cannabis. Many experts say that the overall effects of cannabis are caused by a mix of the different chemicals in the plant. 

This means that to make an informed purchase, it’s crucial to consider all the compounds in a strain rather than just focusing on a single factor. And that’s where terpenes come in. In this article, we will explore what terpenes are, their role in contributing to the effects of cannabis, and some popular examples of terpenes found in cannabis strains.

What are Terpenes?

Terpenes refer to a broad category of secondary chemical compounds that are not unique to cannabis but produced by almost all plants on the planet. These compounds are by-products to aid in producing primary compounds, such as fruit, flowers, and in the case of cannabis, cannabinoids, which are the compounds we consume.

Terpenes are cannabis’ secondary chemicals, and they have a variety of functions that promote the healthy development of the plant. They display a variety of responses to the plant’s internal and external stimuli. Terpenes also have a role in the distinctive flavour and aroma of many cannabis strains.

Where are Terpenes Located in the Cannabis Plant?

Terpenes are derived from the same structures that produce cannabinoids like THC and CBD – the trichomes. These small, sticky glandular structures are found on the surface of cannabis leaves, stems, and buds and are responsible for producing the resinous compounds that give high-potency strains their frosty appearance.

The trichomes themselves contain terpenes, which are peculiar to them. These organic compounds are small and volatile, meaning they can easily diffuse into the air from the trichomes, giving cannabis strains unique and characteristic aromas. The distinct smell of a particular strain is often due to the presence of specific terpenes. 

Each terpene has its unique fragrance, ranging from floral and fruity to earthy and musky, and the combination of different terpenes in a strain creates its overall scent profile.

It’s important to note that the amount and type of terpenes present in a strain can also impact its overall effects on the body and mind. Therefore, understanding the location of terpenes in the cannabis plant and how they contribute to the plant’s overall makeup is crucial for cannabis users who want to make informed decisions about the strains they consume.

Studies on Terpenes

New research suggests that when all the plant compounds in cannabis work together, they create a more significant effect than when each component works alone. This is known as the entourage effect. This means that when you consume cannabinoids and terpenes together, they create a unique synergy that doesn’t happen by consuming them separately. 

The Entourage Effect: Terpenes Coupled with Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Mood Disorders and Anxiety Disorders 

Scientists have discovered that combining terpenes and cannabinoids work better for treating mood disorders and anxiety than using them separately. Cannabis plants have different types of terpenes, which can affect how the plant makes us feel. 

For example, Cannabis Indica has myrcene, which can help reduce anxiety, while Cannabis Sativa has limonene, which can help increase alertness. This means using a mix of terpenes and cannabinoids could be an effective treatment for mood disorders and anxiety.

Potential Clinical Benefits of CBD-Rich Cannabis Extracts Over Purified CBD in Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy: Observational Data Meta-analysis

In a 2018 study on people with epilepsy, those who took a full-spectrum CBD extract with cannabinoids and terpenes reported better symptom relief and fewer side effects than those who took CBD isolate with only cannabinoids. 

Full-spectrum cannabis extract is a whole-plant medicine as it contains many plant compounds, including cannabinoids and terpenes. The study also found that full-spectrum CBD extract was four times more effective than CBD isolate, allowing patients to take a lower dose. The researchers attributed this to the beneficial effects of the synergy between cannabinoids and other compounds like terpenes.

Cannabis sativa Terpenes are Cannabimimetic and Selectively Enhance Cannabinoid Activity

This study has conducted laboratory experiments and clinical trials on humans to investigate the effects of combining terpenes and cannabis. The results have shown that combining terpenes and cannabis can have a greater impact on the body than using either substance alone.

One significant finding of this study is that terpenes can target specific receptors in the body, known as CB1 and A2a receptors. These receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system, which plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological functions such as pain, appetite, and mood. When terpenes bind to these receptors, they can produce cannabimimetic effects, which means they mimic the effects of cannabinoids like THC and CBD.

The discovery of terpene targets as CB1 and A2a receptors is a significant breakthrough, as it helps to explain how terpenes can affect the endocannabinoid system and produce cannabimimetic effects in living organisms. This information could have important implications for developing new cannabis-based treatments that combine cannabinoids and terpenes to produce more effective therapeutic outcomes.

Effects of Terpenes

Cannabinoids significantly impact our physical and mental states, while terpenes have more subtle effects, especially regarding cognitive effects. For example, THC can make you feel euphoric, while terpenes like limonene or pinene produce lighter effects, like feeling uplifted after cleaning or taking a light hike.

Some people compare terpenes and cannabinoids to a car’s engine and steering wheel to help them grasp the differences between them. Cannabinoids are like the engine, providing power, while terpenes are like the steering wheel, controlling the direction and mood of the experience.

Understanding the specific effects of different terpenes is essential to achieve the desired experience from cannabis products. 

Popular Terpenes


Myrcene is responsible for unique scents and flavours in plants, including cannabis. It’s commonly referred to as “the mother of terpenes” because it’s the most abundant terpene in cannabis plants.

In addition to its aroma, myrcene offers various therapeutic benefits and contributes significantly to the calming effects of cannabis. As a result, strains with a high amount of myrcene may be especially useful in treating anxiety and sleep disorders. While myrcene is often present in Indica or Indica-dominant strains,

it’s not exclusive to them.

Strains to try: Pinkman Goo, Wedding Cake, and Romulan


Beta-caryophyllene is a terpene found in some cannabis strains that gives them a spicy, peppery taste and is also present in cloves, rosemary, oregano, and black pepper. Therefore, when you detect these aromas in a cannabis strain, caryophyllene is likely to present.

Caryophyllene is unique because it can bind to the CB2 receptor in the body’s immune system, making it the only known terpene in cannabis that can do so.

This property has led some researchers to consider it an unconventional cannabinoid.

Strains to try: Chocolate Frosted Sherbet, Zookies, and Milk and Cookies


Limonene is a terpene with a fresh, citrus scent and is common in citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, limes, and grapefruits. It is also present in many strains of cannabis, where it is one of the most common terpenes along with myrcene.

Scientists studied the potential medical benefits of limonene and found it to have anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, antibacterial, and anticancer properties.

Strains to try: Crunchberry Kush, Lemon Cherry Gelato, and Jokerz

Note: None of the strains mentioned consist of only one terpene. Rather, each strain contains a dominant terpene and other minor amounts of other terpenes.


When selecting cannabis strains, consider the terpene profile. These are aromatic compounds that provide each strain with its unique aroma and flavour and affect its impact on your body and mind. By paying attention to terpenes, you can make more informed choices about the effects you want to experience. For instance, if you want to relax, choose a strain with high myrcene levels, while a strain with high limonene levels may be better for enhancing your mood.