First Aid Myths You Need to Stop Believing

First Aid Myths You Need to Stop Believing

“Hot oil spilled on my hand while cooking.”

“Hurry up, put toothpaste on it or maybe butter!”

“What! Does that really work?”

“Yes, my mother told me, and she was taught this by her mother.”

Most people have an understanding that first aid is a common practice and doesn’t require extensive training. Unfortunately, with something as important as first aid, there are a lot of myths floating around about what’s good, what’s bad, and what will actually keep you safe. If you’re someone who wants to be fully prepared in the event of an emergency (and we know you do), it’s time to get rid of your old assumptions and start using facts to make decisions. Here are some of the most common first aid myths you need to stop believing. 

Butter The Burn

This might as well be first aid 101 for many people. The myth is that you should put butter on the burnt area if someone gets burnt by a hot iron, stove or while cooking. 

The myth has existed for many years. However, according to, it became well-known in the 19th Century because a reputable surgeon wrote a book on battlefield treatments that contained this advice. Although there is some sense behind it, it isn’t compatible with advanced innovations. They thought the grease would act as a skin-tight gauze to keep the charred part safe. However, this method did not help in healing or stopping the pain. 

This is ancient because the time when this information was published was a period of discoveries, and we were starting to realise how bacteria affect wounds and the miracle of antibiotics.

What You Should Do In A Burnt Situation

  • Take care of the area’s safety and wash your hands.
  • Get the first aid kit ready.
  • Rinse the burn with fresh, ice-cold, or cool water to clean it. This will also help in relieving the pain for approximately half an hour.
  • Use an antibiotic cream.
  • Wrap a clean bandage loosely around the burn.
  • Have a medical practitioner follow up with the patient.

Mouth To Mouth CPR Is The Best. Maybe In Movies.

ou do learn how to perform both compressions and breaths simultaneously when you learn CPR in 3 day construction first aid course. The use of voluntary CPR prevents the loss of life that might occur by the time emergency professionals arrive.

This might make you wonder, would just compressions alone save a life? The short answer is yes. Hands-only CPR is a professional first aid technique that requires both compressions and automatic external defibrillator (AED). During the pandemic period, it was advised by the health organisations to perform hands-only CPR in times of emergency. But there is one exception, giving breaths while performing CPR on children and newborns is still advised. So now you know that it is not as easy as movies portray it to be. You do need professional first aid training at a credible registered training organisation to learn this super life-saving skill. 

Push Your Head Back In Case There Is A Nose Bleed

Once more, those who created this myth did it rationally and in accordance with the state of science at that time. They probably saw that when someone arched their head back, the blood flow decreased. But what you can’t see is the problem.

The same amount of blood is still gushing from the wound. However, it enters the digestive system and airways instead of coming out of the nose, leading to nausea and discomfort.

Because it widens the airway, tilting the head back actually increases the likelihood of choking.

The Right Way Of Handling A Nose Bleed

Lean forward or gently clamp the nostrils in its place. The bleeding will then be slowed by applying cold to the bridge of the nose, giving the body’s immune system time to halt it. Check to see if the bleeding has stopped after holding the nostrils for five to ten minutes.

You Might Be Sued If You Practice CPR On A Person In An Emergency

You are legally protected whether you are concerned about not having the other person’s consent or hurting them. Governments have laws that protect individuals who are acting reasonably to try to save someone’s life for the sake of public safety.

Any legal action would be viewed as absurd and dropped right away. Additionally, the court of popular opinion (i.e., social media) would be on your side if it were a concern of yours. Anyone with common sense knows that someone who needs CPR cannot provide permission.

Are You Still Protected If The Person Dies?

In a similar manner, assume you did do CPR, and the victim didn’t make it. Know that morally, ethically, and legally speaking, you did not kill the individual. A person is already dead if they experience cardiac arrest.

Their odds of surviving until EMS (Emergency Medical Services) comes are nearly nonexistent if CPR is not started. The greatest thing you can do is start CPR unless you are aware that they have a signed do not resuscitate (DNR) order. Additionally, you should complete appropriate CPR and First Aid training before an emergency arises so that you are prepared.

The List Goes On And On

The myths don’t end here. 

We reckon you have heard that suck the snake venom out if you get bitten, apply heat on a sprained ankle and so on and so forth. The truth is that these myths have happened to save some lives and helped a person to cope with the pain in the past but understand that these are not scientifically proven instructions to save a life.

Learning First Aid Is The Best Way To Know It All

Every year, millions of people throughout the world endure injuries and finally pass away as a result of delayed medical care. During sudden mishappenings having first aid skills is essential. Giving basic first aid can triple a person’s chances of surviving.