What Candy Can I Eat with Braces

If you have braces, you’re probably wondering whether your candy days are over. The good news is that wearing braces doesn’t mean you have to give up sweets entirely. But you do need to be more mindful of what you eat to avoid damaging your braces. Certain types of candy can loosen brackets, bend wires, or even get stuck, leading to discomfort and potential orthodontic delays. That’s why knowing which candies are safe for your braces can save you time and unnecessary trips to the dentist. So, what candy can you eat with braces without risking a repair visit?

Candies You Can Eat with Braces

Braces don’t mean you have to give up all your favorite sweets. You just need to be selective and opt for candies that won’t damage your braces or get stuck. Here’s a list of braces-friendly candies that you can safely enjoy:

  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups: Soft and smooth, these popular chocolate cups are an excellent choice. The creamy peanut butter inside doesn’t stick to brackets, and the soft chocolate coating melts easily, reducing the risk of damage.
  • 3 Musketeers: This chocolate bar is filled with a soft, fluffy nougat, making it gentle on your braces. The absence of sticky caramel or hard ingredients means it’s a safer option to enjoy.
  • Hershey’s Kisses: Small and melt-in-your-mouth chocolates, Hershey’s Kisses offer a simple and safe way to satisfy your sweet tooth without harming your braces. Avoid biting down too hard; let the chocolate dissolve naturally.
  • Kit Kat Bars: These wafer-filled chocolate treats are relatively safe for braces, as long as you break them into small pieces before eating. Stick to the regular versions, avoiding any that have a thick chocolate coating or caramel filling.
  • Marshmallows: Light, fluffy, and soft, marshmallows are safe to eat with braces. They won’t stick to your braces, and they’re easy to chew, making them an ideal sweet treat.
  • Pudding and Jello: While these are not technically candies, they are sweet, braces-friendly treats. Both pudding and Jello are soft, non-sticky, and won’t pose any risk to your braces. Plus, they’re easy to clean from your teeth afterward.

These candies are safe as long as you maintain good oral hygiene after indulging in them. Brush and floss regularly to prevent sugar from building up around your braces.

Candies to Avoid with Braces

While there are some candies you can enjoy with braces, it’s equally important to know which ones to avoid. Certain candies can easily damage your braces, prolonging your treatment and causing discomfort. Here’s a list of candies that you should skip to keep your braces intact:

  • Sticky and Chewy Candies: These include options like Skittles, Laffy Taffy, Gummy Bears, and Tootsie Rolls. Sticky candies latch onto your braces, making them difficult to clean. They can bend the wires or even pull off brackets, leading to costly repairs.
  • Caramel: Candies such as Milk Duds, Sugar Daddies, and Caramel Squares should be avoided at all costs. Caramel is both sticky and chewy, meaning it can get trapped in your braces and cause wires to loosen or break. Even caramel-flavored chocolates, like certain versions of Snickers, are risky.
  • Hard Candies: Biting into hard candies like Jolly Ranchers, Lifesavers, or Jawbreakers can crack your brackets or bend your wires. Even if you resist biting into them and let them dissolve, the prolonged contact with sugar can damage your teeth and braces.
  • Candies with Nuts: Candies like Snickers, Almond Joy, and Peanut M&Ms are off-limits. The crunchy texture of the nuts can damage the brackets and wires. Even candies with small nut pieces can be problematic.
  • Gum: Both regular and sugar-free gum are not safe. Chewing gum can get stuck in the wires and brackets, making it very difficult to clean and causing damage to your braces over time.

Sticking to these guidelines will help ensure that your orthodontic treatment progresses smoothly without any setbacks. Always be mindful of the types of candy you choose, and when in doubt, avoid anything sticky, hard, or chewy.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

Can I eat chocolate with braces?

Yes, you can eat chocolate with braces, but it’s important to choose the right type. Opt for soft, melt-in-your-mouth chocolates like Hershey’s Kisses, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, or 3 Musketeers. These are safe because they dissolve easily and don’t stick to your braces.

Are sour candies okay with braces?

Sour candies are generally not recommended for braces wearers. Most sour candies are sticky or chewy, which makes them risky for your braces. Additionally, the high acidity in sour candies can erode your tooth enamel and increase the risk of cavities. If you really crave a sour treat, look for braces-friendly alternatives like sour powder candies, but always check with your orthodontist first.

Can I eat Skittles or M&Ms with braces?

Both Skittles and M&Ms should be avoided if you have braces. Skittles are chewy and can get stuck in your braces, while the hard shell on M&Ms can damage your brackets if you bite down on them. Some orthodontists may allow M&Ms in moderation, but only if you’re careful to let them melt in your mouth rather than biting into them.

What happens if I eat the wrong candy with braces?

Eating the wrong candy, like hard or sticky varieties, can result in damaged braces. You might loosen a bracket, bend a wire, or get candy stuck in places that are difficult to clean. This could not only delay your treatment but also lead to discomfort or even cavities if the sugar isn’t properly cleaned off your teeth.

Wrapping Up

Eating candy with braces doesn’t have to be a complete no-go. With the right choices and mindful consumption, you can still enjoy some of your favorite sweets. Sticking to soft, non-sticky treats like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, marshmallows, and Jello will satisfy your braces and your cravings. At the same time, it’s important to avoid hard, sticky, and nut-filled candies like Skittles, caramels, or anything with nuts, as these can cause serious damage to your braces.

Read Also: Why Do People Hate Candy Corn?

By Sandy