Peanut Hottie
Howdy! I’m Patty, a professor of Psychological Sciences at a small college in the midwest. Some important background information: I’m absolutely obsessed with peanut butter. It’s gotten to the point…
Howdy! I’m Patty, a professor of Psychological Sciences at a small college in the midwest. Some important background information: I’m absolutely obsessed with peanut butter. It’s gotten to the point…
When I was contacted about getting samples of Sunbelt’s Sweet & Salty granola bars to review on ZOMG, Candy!, I told their PR contact that granola bars were outside the…
Dear Readers, I know y’all come from all over the country/world. Maybe y’all can help me out with a quandry? I had been using Cheez-It Stix in my senior thesis…
Dear readers, I am back in Austin enjoying time with my family, and I’m taking the rest of the week off. Have a happy holiday season, whatever you celebrate, and…
This is only tangentially related to candy: I just discovered the best cookies ever. From the Chicago Tribune’s cookie contest, 2nd place (only 2nd?!) winner: Dorie’s Dark and Stormies. They…
Dear readers, I’m lucky enough to go to a school that gives us a full week off for Thanksgiving. So I’m taking the week off to catch up on sleep…
And yes we cake. Back in February, I got to hear Obama speak at a rally in Hartford. I’m so glad I decided to put my schoolwork on hold to…
When I got the chance to review a free copy of Sweet!: From Agave to Turbino, Home Baking with Every Kind of Natural Sugar and Sweetener by Mani Niall, I…
Between 5 and 8 pm tonight, stop by your local Cold Stone Creamery for a free scoop of ice cream. And if you can, make a donation to benefit the…
Of course my traffic would triple the day I announce I’m taking a week off because my computer died. Forget time off; I’m capitalizing on my good StumpleUpon fortune. I’ll…
Dear readers, My computer, after three and a half years of plodding along, finally died on Tuesday. I stuck into my roommate’s room to use her computer to write this…
Dear readers, my server hosts have informed me that tomorrow, Friday, August 29th, from 11:30 PM to 3:30 AM EST, they’ll be going down for maintenance, so the site may…