There are many things in the world that literally “eat up” our energy. Some of them we know about very well, but there are also some that most people don’t even know about.
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It’s a well-known fact that you can do all the work faster if you do it step by step. If you handle things by constantly switching from one thing to another, however, you’re wasting more time, causing your productivity to drop drastically. So instead of working and gambling at PlayAmo 38, first complete a task and then move to rest.
Lack of a To-do List
Many people keep in mind all the things they need to get done in a day. However, remembering everything is difficult. You end up wasting time trying to remember what else you didn’t have time to do. So, write down all the tasks in the diary and perform them one by one, which will also save time.
Working Without Rest
Remember when you were in junior high, the teacher periodically held short exercises. Time has passed, and you still need those little exercises. Otherwise, your body will get tired of the same postures and your eyes will get tired of focusing on the same object. This won’t make you feel any better. So don’t forget to take a break from work.
You may have heard an expression like: “order on your desk is order in your head.” It’s really hard to argue with this saying. Scientists have conducted a number of studies and proved that clutter prevents productive work. First, you lose a lot of time trying to find something necessary among the scattered things. At this time there is irritability and nervousness. And secondly, cluttered space leads to feelings of anxiety and increases stress.
Unfinished Business
All cases should be divided into three groups. “Very important” – these things need to be done as soon as possible. “Important” – these things can be put off for a while. The “unimportant” ones – you can leave them for the future. Perform each task according to its degree of importance.
If in the process of doing any work you have a problem, then ask yourself what specifically prevents and what can be done in this case? For example, if you don’t have enough time, then simply choose a free day in the diary and plan for it a specific task. After you cross out the next item on the list of things to do, just feel the surge of energy.
Your energy may be wasted on people who are constantly complaining about life. After all, all their stories consist of them whining. You assume you’re expected to give advice. You give it, and you probably think the person will listen to it and the situation will change. However, this does not happen. As a result, you don’t enjoy the support and help you give.
Try not to get involved in long discussions about your friend’s or colleague’s problems. Don’t get emotionally involved in them. Try to move the dialogue to neutral topics that are of interest to everyone.
Remember, if the person is constantly complaining about his life, but does nothing to change it, he needs specialist help, not yours. And you shouldn’t spend your time on psychological help all the time, it only takes up personal time.