Got Leftover Peeps?
If you have leftover Peeps from your Easter baskets, or if you’ve stocked up on them in post-Easter candy sales, why not turn them into Peepshi (Peeps sushi), Peeps Krispie…
If you have leftover Peeps from your Easter baskets, or if you’ve stocked up on them in post-Easter candy sales, why not turn them into Peepshi (Peeps sushi), Peeps Krispie…
Red Vines were not a childhood candy of mine. In fact, I never heard of them until they were proclaimed “crazy delicious” in The Chronic(WHAT?)Cles of Narnia (tangent: man, rewatching…
When I was a kid, I loved the picture-picture segments on Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, which showed videos of factories making things like raincoats and crayons. The automated assembly lines absolutely…
These World’s Finest Chocolates?came courtesy of my dad, who was apparently too kind-hearted to turn down the kid selling them as a fundraiser. According to Wikipedia, the World’s Finest Chocolate…
Serious Eats does a blind taste-test of chocolate Easter bunnies. Spoiler after the break!
This bag of Streit’s Sour Bears caught my eye in a display of Passover foods at Wegmans. They’re imported from Israel and “Kosher for Passover and year round.” They’re billed…
My friend Steve bought me this German Mozart Piano Bar at least a year ago. I’m sorry it took me so long to write about it, Steve! The under-flap blurb…
From the NY Times Food Stuff, a report on chocolate-covered wine grapes that “have been infused with shiraz before being dipped in dark chocolate.” I like to make rum raisin…
Haribo Fruity Pasta claims that it’s “extra sour” on the bag, but it’s not. It also claims that it’s “gummi candy”, but it’s not quite what I would consider to…
I love that Nestle/Wonka has been diving back into Roald Dahl’s original books for marketing inspiration. My friend Steve alerted me to the fact that they’re currently running a real-life…
I bought this Chocolove Holiday bar on sale in January. Thus I think that it’s safe to assume that “holiday” is PC for Christmas. It’s described on the back as…