I, like many people (I suspect), eat chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream solely for the cookie dough bits. Whenever I buy it, the container ends up full of gouges where I’ve tried to dig deep for just one more sugar rush of a cookie dough hunk. How fortunate that there exists a candy that’s all cookie dough hunks and no ice cream!
I’ve often seen these Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites (hereafter referred to as CCCDB) in stores and movie theaters, but I’d never bought them before. I guess they never looked or sounded alluring enough on their own, especially when juxtaposed against other theater boxes of candy. When CCCDB’s PR company emailed to offer me free samples, I jumped at the chance to try a treat that I’d oft considered but always passed over.
The box calls them “bite size cookie dough in creamy milk chocolate”, while the box’s artwork portrays shiny globules that look more dark chocolate-covered to me. In real life, they’re covered in a matte, rather dull looking coating.
Creamy is definitely a misnomer for that coating. It’s totally devoid of any mouthfeel, and there’s barely any chocolate flavor to it. Instead, these CCCDBs taste mainly of the “cookie dough”.
That dough has a dry, grainy texture and a light brown sugar sweetness to it. As a cookie dough, it’s acceptable, if rather bland, but if it were a cookie, I’d be annoyed at the mild flavor.
In other words, the cookie dough basically tastes like the cookie dough hunks from chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, but a little sadder because they’re not surrounded by and steeped in creamy, delicious ice cream. I was wrong in my opening paragraph – the ice cream is key to the dough hunks’ deliciousness quotient!
Insipidness aside, these are strangely poppable. I finished a box in a two or three sittings, and now I’m scared of them. They weren’t that tasty, but I couldn’t stop eating them! Maybe because they so lacked in satisfaction? They get an O. I’m giving my second box away to keep myself from eating it all.